Page 21 of Blood Prince
“They say a powerful mage of the olden times, or maybe even Hades himself, created the Underworld with the help of the Titans—somewhere immortals could be free from the gods and the mortals alike,” Daphne said conspiratorially, as if revealing some great Underworlder secret.
I wasn’t sure how it was created, but I called it home now, though I spent quite a bit of time on earth. It was safer there for me, easier for me to hide from Desmerada’s cavalcade of spies. I hid in plain sight, melding into the dark culture of clubs and alleys, preying on human women and surviving on their blood and comfort. I cursed myself for touching even a single one of them. Had I known my beloved still drew breath, I would never have done such things. But, as it was, I used the females for blood and allowed them to use me for pleasure. I swallowed, the shame mixing with the iron taste of blood.
Daphne continued and gave a laundry list of all the different types of creatures that called the Underworld home: nymphs, fairies, demons, vampires, spirits, cyclopes, furies, and any number of other beings. The Underworld was far vaster than earth, with several tribes occupying massive strongholds.
The vampire fortress, Bloodkeep, was atop a stone crag in the midst of an immense, misty wood. Their neighbors, the demons, occupied the arid lands just beyond the reach of the forest and plains. The demon stronghold, Decanum, was situated at a fabled oasis amid the shifting dunes and punishing suns of the Desert of Thorns.
I had never seen the walls of my ancestral home, the Bloodkeep, but they were fabled to rival the gates of Troy, shot through with gold and carved with scenes of Underworld lore. I had no desire to claim the throne, no need to live a life at court among the backstabbing nobility that thrived under Desmerada’s rule.
Daphne persisted with her Underworld 101. “Some demons have horns, and some are odd colors, but some look human. I’ve been with a few, though, that look human up top but have a little extra demon down below, and I’m here to tell you that if you find one like that, you give old Daphne a call, because I’d like to get acquainted.”
Elena smiled, warmth lighting her cheeks at Daphne’s straightforward talk. I remembered that smile well, having taken joy in eliciting it from her so many times in the past.
Daphne’s tales continued until Elena’s eyelids began to droop, fatigue weighing on her. “—and that’s why vampires can only teleport on earth, not in the Underworld,” Daphne finished with gusto.
“I think our guest could use some rest,” I said.
“No, I’m fine, I just need to—” Elena’s words were interrupted by a yawn.
“Please, just one night of rest, and then we will make our plans.” I fully intended to set the destruction of Menelaus in motion, and now that she was with me, I knew it was as good as done. But my deep need to keep her safe, to keep her well, overruled even my desire to slay the demon.
She looked to argue again, but exhaustion seemed to overcome her resolve. “Fine. But just one night, or day, or whatever time it is…” She looked to the firmament in puzzlement. It remained that deep amethyst, the three suns making their way across at a leisurely pace.
“Night is almost here.” Daphne started collecting plates from the rough-hewn kitchen table.
“Let me help you.” Elena picked up her plate.
“Don’t you dare. I have to pretend like I work around here, at least a little.” Daphne winked. “Job security.”
Elena’s tinkling laugh warmed my heart. She thanked Daphne for the meal and rose to leave.
“Remember, first right, then third door on your left,” Daphne called.
The moment Elena was gone, Daphne stopped clearing and watched me with a knowing look. “Well?”
“Well, what?”
“It’s her, isn’t it?” Daphne smiled.
“It’s who?” I played coy, but Daphne knew my story, knew that I burned brightly for only one soul.
“By the gods, you found her!” Daphne clapped her hands, joy shining in her eyes.
“But she doesn’t know she’s her.” I drained my glass, itching to follow Elena, to make sure she was safe.
“Doesn’t matter. It was clear as day the second I saw you together. She’s your white queen, through and through.”
I rose, gave the beaming Daphne a kiss on the forehead, and strode to my room. Next door to Elena’s. I sat on the bed and couldn’t help but smile. Looking like a fool, sitting there and grinning at a wall, but it didn’t bother me. If my heart could beat, it might have burst from the sheer joy of knowing that she lived and that she was here. I could hear her even now, pulling back the covers and settling into the sheets. What I wouldn’t give to be in there with her. She belonged with me. But I needed to wait until she realized that for herself.