Page 16 of Blood Prince
He walked in front of me, carrying the packages from the shop. I knelt, pretending to examine the flora along the forest floor. He continued ahead a few more paces.
“I know it’s not much,” he called as he walked, “compared to where you lived on Olympus—”
I missed the rest of his words as I rose and darted away, dashing through the trees. I dodged low branches, keeping a swift pace, fleeing into the darkness of the woods. My footfalls were nearly silent on the mossy forest floor. I didn’t falter, even though I wasn’t sure what lay ahead.
Faster and faster I ran, my thighs burning, the forest closing in around me, hiding me from any possible pursuer. I couldn’t slow. Paris would no doubt have given chase, but my head-start should guarantee that he couldn’t catch up.
I chanced a glance behind me, and my heart dropped. Paris was only a few paces back, his steps even more silent than mine. Gods. His face was alight with something verging on rage, but not quite. There was something else there too, something that made my stomach clench and warm.
I burst into a blistering speed, pushing my body as fast as it would go. Ahead I saw the amethyst sky peeking through the leaves—a clearing in the forest. I reached the edge and lengthened my stride, now more sure of my footing and not having to dodge trees.
I knew I would escape. Knew it until I felt arms encircle my waist and drag me down into the grass. I hit the ground so hard the air whooshed out of me.
Paris grabbed my arm and roughly turned me onto my back. His fangs jutted from his mouth, sharp and hungry, and he looked almost dazed. He straddled me, pinning my arms at my sides with his powerful thighs. His hands were at my shoulders, pushing me into the cool ground.
He stared at me as I took in deep gulps of air, my heart beating at a furious pace. Power floated in the air, my emotions making electricity crackle around them. Once again, my fear mixed with something more, something different. Arousal. The killer looming above me made me want something I’d never wanted before. I balled my hands into fists at my sides, at once angry that he’d overtaken me and also… relieved.
He leaned down to my neck. I stiffened.
“You shouldn’t run from me, Helen.” His voice was low, a dangerous caress on my ears. “I can’t teleport here in the Underworld, but I can always catch you. I’m too fast. And you’re too delicious to let go.”
I shivered, but not from cold. I was trapped beneath a predator, but instead of fear, I felt desire. Heat spread from my center outward, warming me.
He breathed in and let the air out on a growl. His fingertips dug into my shoulders. “I can smell your need.”
The electricity snapped, silver light arcing around them.
He sat up, the trance somehow broken at the sound of my voice. His fangs retracted, and he looked at me as if only now seeing me. He released his grip on my shoulders and rose to his feet before pulling me up next to him.
My power dissipated, gone on the chill breeze that soughed through the trees.
“Elena.” He let out a heavy breath. “You can’t just take off. It’s not safe.” He ran a hand through his hair, now lit brilliantly from behind in the light of the suns. More golden here than he could ever be in the single light on earth. “And I… I can’t be sure I can control myself when you do things like that. I just…” He trailed off, seemingly at a loss for words.
“I can take care of myself.” I focused on his first words, not trusting myself to even think about what Paris would be like if he truly lost control. “I’ve done it for thousands of years. Led armies. Destroyed my enemies. I’ll do the same to Menelaus.”
He gripped my arms and locked his gaze on mine. His brows were drawn down in consternation. “I thought you understood. I would never hurt you. I need you to believe me. I want to protect you, always. You are safe with me.”
I felt my resolve failing. The thoughts of running I’d had earlier now seemed foolhardy. I didn’t know anything about the Underworld. I could have run right into an even worse situation.
I needed more time to plan, to think. Running headlong into the woods was not the action of a strategist. Paris was right. I needed to stick with him until a better opportunity presented itself. Instinct had gotten me this far. Time to trust it some more.
I squared my shoulders. “I won’t run again.”
“Do I have your word?”
My spine straightened. “Yes, you have my word.”