Page 13 of Blood Prince
We emerged in the front of another weapons shop, almost a mirror image of the one we’d left behind. Various blades and fighting accoutrements lined the walls, each glinting deadly. I calmed, knowing I could heft any of the weapons around me and strike down a foe in moments. I eyed a particular short sword, its length etched in Olympian runes and its haft wrapped in supple ram leather.
“Cranfel!” Paris barked, the harshness in his tone new to me. His face was stern, the angles even more stark. Only then did I realize how gentle he was with me, far more so than he appeared now. This version was the one whispered of and feared throughout the worlds, not the one who’d begged me to accompany him to the Underworld. Which was real?
A crusty goblin emerged from a side room and eyed both Paris and me with apprehension. “Master Paris, what can I do ye for?”
“Can you remove these?” Paris asked and placed his hand on my back, guiding me forward so the goblin could examine the binds on my wrists. His touch was somehow warm, the tips of his fingers resting lightly along my spine. Just the sensation made a pleasant rush of heat flow through me.
Ignoring the feeling, I proffered my hands, unafraid of any goblin who was half my height and pea green. A slow runnel of snot hung from his nose as he moved closer to examine the bracelets.
“Mmmm, these are something special.” His eyes lit as if seeing a precious jewel. Cranfel reached for my wrists, but Paris had a blade at the creature’s throat before the goblin had a chance to touch me.
“Harm her, and you’re dead.”
The goblin swallowed audibly and delicately ran his crooked fingers around first one band and then the other. They sizzled at his touch, though I felt no pain. He muttered in a strange language, puzzling over the bangles. His musings continued for moments before it seemed he’d made up his mind. “If I take them off her, can I have them?”
“Why? What are they worth?” I asked.
The goblin gave me a quick glance, sizing me up. “They aren’t worth much, just plain old silver.” He shrugged, but his covetous glance returned to my wrists.
“In that case, we’ll be on our way. I’m sure there are plenty of other shops around here that could remove these for me.” In fact, I didn’t know any such thing. This was my first visit to the Underworld. But I figured it was worth the chance, especially when I spied a case full of magic bomb ingredients more potent than any I’d ever been able to concoct on Olympus. Black market stuff. If these bangles could buy me some magic stores, all the better for my next meeting with Menelaus. I strode past Paris, who had a wicked look on his face as he watched me. I had never been looked at with such open desire, and the feeling of his gaze was somehow heady, powerful.
“Wait, wait.” The goblin hotfooted it past the vampire and planted himself in front of the door. “I’ll give you fifty for them.”
Paris’s eyes were laughing, a sparkle that made him more than a little endearing. His features were angular yet, when he looked at me, he softened, as if the very sight of me relaxed him. That familiar tingle shot through me, but I pushed it down.
I had no idea what the goblin meant by fifty. Fifty what? I glanced to Paris, who shook his head almost imperceptibly.
“I’m afraid not.” I crossed my arms. “Now we’ll be going.” Aggressive negotiating was one of my favorite games.
“One hundred.”
Another shake from Paris.
“Not a chance.” I took one more step toward the door for emphasis.
“Two hundred, and that’s my final offer.”
Another faint head shake, the sparkle growing into a smile that had my heart speeding its pace. Surely it was the negotiation making my blood pump, not the vampire.
I kicked my chin up and reached for the door handle. “Out of my way.”
“Okay, three hundred and not an ingot more.” The goblin’s color was getting up, his pointed ears turning neon.
Paris inclined his head ever so slightly. I eyed the short sword and the other magic elements scattered throughout the store. “I’ll take four hundred store credit and a twenty percent discount, or we walk.”
The goblin blinked, first the left eye, then the right. “Deal.” Its oozing nose quivered at the finality of his decree. I hoped all Underworld creatures were not so loathsome.
I looked back at Paris, his face glowing with a warm smile, his even white teeth showing only a hint of the canines that were there earlier. More than anything, I saw adoration in his eyes and felt an echo of the unknown past he’d told me about. My heart pounded even harder, and now I admitted it was he who spurred its beat. He held my gaze until I looked away, my cheeks heating.