Page 79 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
Then she leans in toward me. "So are congratulations in order, or do you need to talk about it?"
I smile at her, plucking N'rav off my leg with a kiss and handing him back to his father. N'dek takes his son under one arm, snatches another piece of fruit, and grins at us as he heads for his mate, who's talking animatedly at the edge of the group with Lila and Rokan. "I'm wonderful, thank you for asking."
Steph studies me, a thoughtful expression on her face. "You seem…good. Less closed off. Resonance went…okay?"
I pat my stomach in the smug way of all pregnant women. "You'll see in about fourteen months."
Her eyes light up with happiness. "Oh, that's wonderful! I'm so happy for the two of you! You're really a lovely fit together." She beams at us. "I didn't see it until resonance did, but I've been thinking about the two of you ever since it happened and it's really perfect. Sessah is such a dear and you really do need someone that will love you but give you space."
I squirm in my seat, a little uncomfortable at how on the nose Steph is, and how she brings it up to my face. "Thanks?"
She chuckles. "I meant it as a compliment, don't worry. I'm just so happy things worked out. You two really do seem relaxed, too. Was it a lovely vacation at the fruit cave? Was it nice to get away?"
Sessah's tail swats my butt lightly, a playful tap but also a reminder of what we've decided our story is. As if I'd forget. I smile sweetly at Steph. "It was a wonderful time. All we did was lay around, eat fruit, and rest up. Couldn't ask for a lazier vacation."
"It sounds amazing," Steph says, eyeing her mate. "Maybe I can convince Juth we need to go." She shrugs and gives her mate a loving smile from afar. "Perhaps when Jethani gets older. So what's next for you two? Going to settle in and redecorate your hut? Make a new one?"
I pull another piece of fruit apart and hand it to Z'hren, who's waiting patiently on my thigh for another piece as we talk over him. "Sorry, buddy," I whisper. "That's all I've got left. Go hit up Sessah for the rest of his."
Z'hren's eyes light up and he shoves the last of my fruit into his mouth and immediately climbs onto Sessah like a spider monkey. He reaches over his shoulder and snags a piece before Sessah can eat it. "Mmm," Sessah says, pretending not to see Z'hren, who hangs off his thick neck. " Where did my fruit go?"
"I stole it," Z'hren shouts in his ear gleefully. "It's mine now!"
"Is that so?" Sessah grabs Z'hren and pulls him forward, tickling him. The other kits on his lap dive in, adding to the tickle-fest.
I smile at the shrieks of laughter, then turn back to Steph, thinking. What is next for us? It's an excellent question, but I think I know the answer already. In fact, it's an easy one. "We're going to visit Croatoan," I tell my friend. "I've never been, and I'd love to meet everyone. I'd especially like to meet Sessah's parents."
Steph's eyes fill with tears. "You're venturing out of your comfort zone. I'm so proud, Sam."
Am I? I don't know that I am. I just think my comfort zone has switched. Before it was knives and being alone and ever-vigilant. Now? My comfort zone is Sessah.
It is growing late, but I cannot move from the fire. I watch my mate from the other side of the flames, smiling to myself as she talks animatedly with Lo-ren and K'thar about resonance and pregnancy. She holds their son K'then in her arms, her cheek pressed to the kit's chubby one, and her laughter fills the camp. She is so beautiful that I could stare at her for days and never drink in enough.
I thought once resonance had finished its song and we “settled,” this intense need for my mate would go away. If anything, it has only gotten stronger. I find myself seeking Sam's smile wherever I look. If we are walking, I distract her. If we are hunting, I compliment her technique. If we are in the furs, I do…everything. I live for the curve of her lips. I am a male obsessed, and I have never been so happy. Even now, I want to drag her away from the others and cover her with kisses. I watch her eagerly for a yawn, so I will have an excuse to take her to bed.
As I give my mate longing looks, someone sits down next to me. It is my brother Rokan. He gives my shoulder a warm squeeze and glances over at Sam. "You are pleased with the mate resonance chose for you?"