Page 77 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
Knowing that Sessah still loves me despite everything has been the perfect balm for my wounded soul. At first I was horrified that I'd killed a man, but now I'm rather proud. I finally defended myself when my back was to the wall—myself and my mate—and I know if Brad ever returned, he wouldn't be a problem. I know how to handle myself now. I know I'm safe with Sessah. My anxiety has ebbed away, replaced by a deep, intense love for my slightly younger mate. I've always adored Sessah's sweetly enthusiastic personality, even when he was a teenager. I just never thought of him as someone “for me.” The khui has changed all that.
It's changed everything. I feel…good. Settled. Happy.
For the first time, I'm looking forward to the future. It's a future with Sessah at my side, and children, and a warm, loving tribe to help us raise them.
I move back toward Sessah's side, taking his hand as we round the path through the cliffs toward the beach. I want everyone's first sight of us to be together, joined in every way. I'm proud of Sessah and how handsome he is, and for some reason, I want to show him off to everyone. It's something I normally don't do, but I guess I want everyone to realize how amazing he is. He doesn't get enough credit for just being…wonderful. I intend on changing that. Tia never gave him the time of day back when they were younger, and I suspect it was because Sessah, being kind and sweet and adoring, wasn't exciting enough for her.
She doesn't realize that having a man who's gentle and caring—but still protective without being overbearing—is a better man than an exciting, temperamental asshole. Her loss is my gain, though, and I don't plan on letting go of Sessah for a moment.
He takes my hand in his, a tender smile on his face. "Nervous?"
I shake my head. I actually feel pretty good. I mean, sure, I'm still wearing all the knives I have built into my clothing, but I feel fine. "Just want them to realize that we're together, that's all."
Sessah chuckles. "We resonated. You did not deliver me in pieces back to the beach. I think they will know we are together."
I nudge him with my shoulder, smiling. For once, I don't want to be full of secrets. I want the world to know we're together. Just looking at him makes my khui purr, and he blushes even harder, which I find even more enticing. By the time the cluster of huts that makes up the beach village comes into sight, I'm more than ready to show Sessah my hut and more specifically, my furs.
"It is quiet today," Sessah comments with a squeeze of my hand. "Do you suppose they are displeased we are back?"
I wouldn't think so, but he's right, it is a little quiet. The camp is full of activity, but everyone seems rather subdued. I catch a few people looking over at us as we cross the long strip of beach toward the far end of the inlet, where the huts are established, but no one comes to greet us.
Well, until Flor.
My friend lets out an unholy screech and races across the sands, flinging herself toward me with a bright smile. "The conquering cougar returns!" she cries. "About time!"
She launches herself into my arms, knocking me into Sessah. My mate holds me steady as Flor practically climbs me in her enthusiasm, and I laugh at the exuberant hug I receive. To my surprise, she immediately flings her arms around my neck and pulls me close. "Camp is weird the last few days. Bad injury. Everyone's on eggshells."
My effervescent mood immediately turns sour. I hug her back, realizing that the hug is to hide the fact that we're whispering. "What happened?"
"One of the kits tripped and nearly fell into a fire pit. Daisy took the hit instead and it's not pretty. Veronica did what she could but it's a burn. You can only do so much. Try not to stare, okay?" She beams at me and then hugs Sessah at the waist. "Look at you, you gorgeous mountain! How come I didn't get to resonate to all of this muscle? This world is so unfair!"
"I am sorry," Sessah says gravely, a distressed look on his broad face. "I did not realize you had feelings for me, Flor, but I am very happy with Sam as my mate."
Flor just winks at me, patting his back before releasing him. "It's fine. Sam has usurped my cougar dreams but I'm sure I'll get over it."
My adorable mate blushes even harder and gives me a confused look. "Are you a coo-gar? What is this word?"
"It's only five years," I tell Flor, pretending to be exasperated. As if I didn't have the same issue with those five years in the beginning. It's completely a non-issue now.