Page 67 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
Sam giggles. "Just in case, huh?"
"Just to be sure," I say as solemnly as I can. "I do not think your cunt can hold enough of my seed. We should keep filling it to be certain that resonance takes."
Her shoulders shake with laughter, and her little movements send shivers of pleasure along my shaft. "The size of my cunt isn't the problem. Maybe you're the one with too much jizz."
Is that her word for seed? "Maybe so," I say with a grin. "I have wanted my mate for a very, very long time. Perhaps my body was storing up for this moment."
"That's not how this works," she says, laughing. "You can't store up semen!"
"Are you certain?" I roll her onto her back again, pressing her into the furs, because my cock is stirring once more. "Because I have yet more to give."
She sucks in a breath when I press into her, her legs widening to take my heavier weight. "Then give it to me," she says softly. "Give me everything you've got."
I groan at Sam's words. My female is incredible. I am never going to get tired of being inside her, I decide. Never.
Of course the sex is ridiculously amazing.
I should have known. I mean, I can practically hear the “I told you so” reverberating inside my chest, along with my khui's song. It makes sense, biologically. If the khui is an imperative for species propagation, of course it's going to make the sex amazing so we'll race into bed with one another. Even as I tell myself it makes sense, I still wasn't prepared.
I don't think I'll ever be prepared.
Sessah is incredible as a lover. I knew he would be. He's kind and attentive, and stoked to have a mate. He's going to make me feel good and boy, did he deliver. It's like once we decided to give in to the khui's demands, we lost complete track of time. I'm not sure how many hours have passed, or what day it is, or how many times we've fucked. Sessah's taken me slow. He's taken me hard and rough. He's gone down on me between sessions, licking my pussy clean, only to dirty it up again a few minutes later.
For a virgin, his stamina is incredible. I swear I barely catch my breath before he's on me again, languidly pumping his cock into me once more and whispering how good I feel. He makes me come every time, though after a while, it starts to feel as if I'm coming constantly, just a quivering, over-sensitized mess that he fucks and fucks and fucks. We move into the water to clean off, and then he has me on his cock again in moments, my hands clasped tight over the lip of the pool so we don't drift away.
When we climb out, I'm exhausted and thirsty, with just enough strength to crawl into the furs and flop onto my back again. "Water," I croak dramatically. "I need water."
Sessah laughs at my playacting and drapes himself over me for another kiss. Our tongues meet, and then he nibbles along my jaw. "You were just in the water."
"I'm not drinking that," I protest. "There's probably a fine layer of semen on top of the surface. It needs to filter itself clean before I drink that again."
"My seed should be inside you," he practically purrs, slipping a hand between my thighs and cupping my pussy. One finger presses at the sore entrance to my body, as if testing that theory, and I moan as he rubs his way into me. "I think you need more."
"Water first," I tell him. "Then I'm good for another round."
He slips his finger out of me (and dammit, that should not make me feel lonely) and kisses the tip of my nose. "I will return quickly."
"Get it from the falls," I say with a yawn. "Not the pool itself. The falls should be nice and clean."
"Falling water," he agrees. "I will return quickly."
I nod, drifting off on the furs. They're a little sweaty and flattened from our repeated matings, but I'm far too worn out to get up and fluff them. It's fine. I relax, yawning, and wait for Sessah to return. I guess that's one advantage to having a younger mate, I think with a self-indulgent smile. He can go for hours and hours on end. One particular round of sex we had was incredibly lazy—I basically laid on my side while Sessah worked into me from behind, his spur tapping against my back hole the entire time. I think I came twice in that round.
Hard to say. Maybe we'll do that again. I'm sleepy and I didn't hate the feel of his spur back there. It was kinda fun in a weird, slightly unnerving sort of way. I yawn and snuggle into the furs.