Page 63 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
So I stay awake and I listen. I listen for the sounds of movement, the sounds of leaves being brushed aside if Kvasaht decides to search for weapons. I listen for anything that might bring trouble for Sam.
Near dawn, I hear the sounds of movement above and I tense, my hand sliding to the spear hidden at my side. I remain alert, but when all goes quiet again moments later, I get to my feet. Curiosity compels me, and I climb stealthily up the vine-covered walls up to the main ledge of the cave and peer over the edge, looking for the stranger.
He is gone, his furs empty.
Hunting, then. I head to the entrance of the cave and peer out into the snow. The day is clear and I can see tracks in the snow, heading toward the pod. Perhaps he returns there for more pieces to scrap. I do not care as long as he stays away from my mate.
I climb back down and rejoin Sam. The moment I approach the furs, her eyes open and I realize she is not sleeping at all, only pretending. She clutches at the front of her tunic, at the hard parts she calls “boning” that stiffen the front of it. She has slept in it these last few days, instead of sleeping naked. "Where is he?" she whispers. "Is Kvasaht gone?"
"Playing with his pod again," I say. "He headed in that direction."
She nods, a hint of a smile curving her mouth. "Is it too much to hope that he never comes back?"
"Maybe he will meet a group of angry metlaks," I say sourly. "I would not be sad."
Sam giggles and lifts her hand, indicating crossed fingers. "Here's hoping." She sits up, stretching, and her khui sings loudly, making her yawn thrum. "I guess we're alone for a little while then, hmm?"
I watch her as she raises her hands above her head, her teats pressing against the front of her tunic. My cock aches immediately, and all of the suppressed need surges to the forefront. She says something, but it is lost in the roar of my khui's song. It knows that we are waiting to fulfill resonance, and it makes my response to her painfully swift. It has been some time since we edged each other, and I feel it acutely. One hand slides to my cock to adjust the straining length of it in my loincloth, and Sam's gaze goes there.
"Oh," she says, the sound almost lost under the singing of my khui. Sam gets to her feet and approaches me, her eyes bright. Her lips part and she gazes up at me with fascination. Her khui is as loud as my own, the song filling the fruit cave and echoing around us. She puts a hand on my chest, stroking up to my heart, and watches me. "Are you aching, Sessah?"
"I will manage," I choke out. "It is fine."
She gives me a thoughtful look, tracing her finger on my skin, and my cock jumps in response. "I'm aching, too."
"Let me help you—"
Her finger trails down to my navel. "I was thinking we could help each other, actually. If we're alone, now might be the best time to give in to our needs."
I am stunned. "Do you mean—"
"I do," she says softly. "I want to be your mate, Sessah. I'm choosing you."
I groan, cupping her face and bending over so I can kiss her. "I can be patient. It does not have to be now. We can wait until you are ready."
"I know." She licks her lips and smiles up at me, even as her fingertips dip toward my loincloth. "I'm just pretty sure I'm ready now."
They are the words I have longed to hear from her. I grab Sam by the waist and haul her up against me, hugging her to my chest in happiness. She makes a squeal of surprise, but then giggles and flings her arms around my neck, pressing kisses to my face. "You are certain?" I ask, beside myself with joy. "You…me…now?"
"You and me now," Sam says, grinning. She leans in and nips at my chin, teasing me with a tiny bite. "We're alone, I'm aching, you're aching, and I want you. I've realized that Kvasaht doesn't worry me because I have you, Sessah. You make me feel like I'm in control, and I love that. I know you would never do anything to harm me, and it makes me feel safe when I'm with you. Safe, and good, and happy." She nips at my chin again. "I love being with you. You make me feel like anything is possible and that the world isn't such a bad place." Her mouth moves down my throat, pressing more kisses to my skin. "You make me feel like I don't have to spend every minute afraid, with a knife clutched at my side…because I know you've got me."