Page 54 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
I moan against his lips. "Sessah. Let me touch you."
He kisses me again, dipping his head and tonguing me with far too much expertise. God, he's a fast learner. "You feel so good," he tells me between nips, using those delicious fangs to his advantage. "I like this. I like mouth-mating you. I like my tongue all over your body, tasting you."
I whimper, my mind surging with all kinds of naughty images. I slide my hands over his big body, digging my nails into the soft spots between the plating on his upper back. "But you're supposed to cover me in your seed, remember? I need to touch you and make you feel good. I need to make you come so you can mark me with your scent."
Sessah makes a pained sound, his breathing harsh as he stops kissing me and presses his hard, bumpy forehead to mine. "I do not want to stop mouth-mating you."
"No one says we have to stop," I whisper, running my lips along his big, strong jaw. "You just let me take the lead for a while."
He makes a noise in his throat that might be acquiescence—or a complaint—but I decide to take over anyhow. I sit up a little and guide him until he's on his back. His lungs move like bellows and he takes in great big breaths of air as he watches me next to him, my hand playing on his belly. I steal lower, pulling off his loincloth and freeing his cock from its confines. He's already leaking pre-cum, the tip wet and flushed a deep, velvety purple. I give it a little caress, and when he leaks a bit more at my touch, I decide it's probably wisest to take my clothes off so he doesn't get semen all over them.
I pull my tunic off, then my breast-band and leggings. When I'm naked, I'm surprised when Sessah grabs my cloak and tosses it over my shoulders. "In case he is watching above," he whispers. "I do not want him looking at you without permission."
I'm touched by his thoughtfulness. Nudity isn't a thing for his people, but he's been around enough humans to know we get weird about it. I slide it over my shoulders, letting it hide my body, and then press a few kisses to his stomach. "You're the best, Sessah. So good to me." I kiss a little lower, encouraged by the way his body clenches under mine. "Let me be good to you, too."
And I kiss even lower.
It occurs to me that while he's put his mouth all over my pussy (and god, was it good), I haven't reciprocated. I've had my hands on his cock, but mouth? Not yet. It's something I'm determined to fix right away. I grip his cock just under the crown, running my thumb through the pre-cum that dots his skin. "Can I mouth-mate you down here, too, Sessah?"
His entire body jerks in response, and one big hand goes to my head, only to pull back again. "You…Saaahm. You want—on my cock?"
"Absolutely," I breathe, and lean down to lick the tip.
Sessah gives a low groan that seems to come from deep within. His hips surge upward and his hand clenches in mid-air before landing helplessly on his belly. "Touch me as you like. I enjoy all of it."
That big hand just looks so sad on his stomach, and I take it and put it on my head again. "You can touch me, Sessah."
"I do not want you to feel as if I am pushing you," he says, a hint of uncertainty in his voice.
"You're not." I smile up at him. "And if you shove my head a little, I'll know it's because you're excited. If I get scared and my mouth is full, I'll tap your leg like this, all right?" I give the outside of his thigh three sharp taps with my finger. "And then you'll know I want to stop."
He licks his lips, his eyes blazing with blue light. His khui is singing so loud that it feels as if bees are buzzing in my ears—or maybe that's my khui, too. "Your mouth will be full?"
"So full," I agree, and then decide it's time to show him. I clasp him in my hand and run my thumb under the head like I've done before, but this time, I lick the tip of him and wait to see how he reacts.
Sessah's breath hisses between his teeth. His hand gently caresses the top of my head, and when I lick him a second time, his fingers spasm.
"Is this okay?" I ask. "Or is it too much?" I give him another tiny lick in a way that I hope feels good. It didn't occur to me to ask if his cock was too sensitive to this sort of thing. I know the others that are mated to the aliens have sex—and have sex a LOT judging by the sounds that come out of the huts on the beach—but I never asked about giving head. It's not exactly something I can bring up in casual conversation. How was the fishing today? Do you suck on your mate's knob or is it too sensitive? Can you pass the stew?