Page 43 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
I run my hand up and down his shaft, fascinated by the small twitches in his body as he responds. It's obvious he's trying to keep as still as possible, but it's not working. When I trace my thumb over the head of his cock, his hips jerk. When I skim the ridges down his shaft, his tail flicks behind him. And when I grasp him tight at the base and squeeze, the breath explodes from his body.
"Bad?" I ask quietly.
"Good," he grits out. "Very, very good."
"Am I too rough with you?" I ask, dragging my hand farther down, until I'm pushing against the base of his cock, where it meets his body, and giving him another squeeze. "Would you prefer softer?"
"I—" he wheezes, sweat breaking out on his skin, and his tail flicks again. "I like when you talk to me."
That's unexpected, but sweet. I smile and give him another squeeze, then drag my hand slowly upward, keeping the pressure on. "I like talking to you, too. It reminds me that it's not just resonance here. It's Sessah and Sam, too." He hasn't said if he wants me to undress, so I decide to keep going with things as they are. I continue to stroke him—which is an effort, compared to some of the guys I've been with in the past—and lean a little closer so it feels like we're sharing breath. "Is there something you like?"
"Your hands," Sessah grits.
"No, I mean…is there some spot in particular that's the best one to touch?" I release him and let my fingers tickle down to his sac again. "Here? Or your spur?"
Breath pants out of him, and he grasps my hand and puts it back on his cock again. "Like it when you squeeze."
"I can do that." My thighs squeeze, too. I'm aching and empty, and my khui is fiercely, fiercely singing, but I like making this moment just about Sessah. So I caress his shaft and squeeze him tight, and all the while, I talk about how soft his skin is, how his scent is incredible, and how big and strong his body is next to mine. How he makes me feel small but secure. "You're careful with me," I say softly, even as I rub my thumb over the head of his cock. "And for the first time, it makes me want…more."
"More?" he manages.
"More touches," I admit. "More of Sessah and Sam. More being together. More pushing our furs together and touching and…seeing what happens."
"Mouth-matings?" He asks it in such a hushed, frantic voice.
Oh. Kissing. Why haven't I thought of kissing him? I look up and gaze at his full, flushed mouth. "We can do those, too. You—"
In the next moment, Sessah groans. His hands cover mine, and then he's coming, thick release pulsing from his body in violent spurts. It covers my leathers and my hands, and I suck in a breath of my own, shocked at how primal his climax is…and how much it turns me on. God, watching him come is arousing. Even more than that, it fills me with a sense of pleasure and completion to know that I've done this to him. That I brought him to the brink and carried him over safely.
And weirdly enough, I know he'd do the same for me. I trust him. I feel like I haven't trusted anyone in so damn long. The realization makes tears spring to my eyes.
"No," Sessah breathes, panic in his voice. "No, Sam, do not cry. Please."
"I'm okay," I say. "It just felt like a big moment." I give him a tremulous smile as he sits up, still gasping for breath. "Are you okay?"
He studies my face, as if making absolutely sure that I'm truly fine, and then gives me a small, tender smile. "Better than okay."
My mind feels scrambled after she has touched me. I clean myself off, then clean her hands, expecting Sam to move her furs to the far side of the cave now that she has cried. Instead, she turns toward me when I lie down, and tucks herself against my chest. I put a tentative arm around her, and when she does not protest, I cannot stop the smile that crosses my face.
I go to sleep with Sam curled against my chest, my naked body pressed against her. We did not mouth-mate, but there is plenty of time yet, I decide. Sam cannot be rushed.
I drift in sleep, and my dreams are full of my pretty, skittish human mate. She smiles at me and laughs as we drink sah-sah and swim in the pool. When I surface from the water, she pulls me to the ledge and puts her small hands on me, slicking over my wet skin and then surging for my cock. Her grip tightens around me and I gasp, the breath catching in my throat as she works my shaft with both hands—