Page 3 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
Aliens did.
Aliens kidnapped me from Earth and saved my life.
I can't stop laughing about it.
Four Years Later
I pat my leathers, double-checking to make sure I have everything. Shiv in each boot, check. Knife at the belt, check. Spear, check. I touch the boning in my leather corset, running my fingers along the points that dig into my skin. I've sharpened each one so it can be removed and used as a weapon, in case all of my other weapons are taken from me. I tighten the belt of rope at my waist and then smooth my hands down my legs, feeling the extra bone knives I have hidden there, as well. I pick up my cloak, and the hard, heavy edges feel comforting to me. A month or so ago, I sewed in leather-wrapped stabbing points that can be accessed if necessary. I told the others that it was to weigh my cloak down so it wouldn't fly away in the breeze, but I know the truth of it.
Satisfied, I tuck my poison kit into my belt, letting the pouch hang off one hip. The other is for my tea, and I sling a bow over my shoulder, quiver on my hip. My hair is braided tightly to my scalp, and I pick up my spear again, running my finger along the point. Nice and sharp. I've got a couple of spare points in another pocket, too. I'm all ready to go, but it feels like I'm forgetting something. I frown, glancing around at my supplies and curling my toes along the inside of my boot. I can just barely feel the leather-wrapped bone reinforcement under the pad, one end of which I've sharpened as a stabbing tool. What on earth am I forgetting? I scan my small hut and my gaze falls to my water-skin and jerky pouch.
Right. Food and drink.
With a snort of amusement, I add those to my clanking supplies at my waist and make sure my fire is out before ducking out of my hut. I make my way across camp, smiling absently at Willa and Gren and little Shade as I pass by. It's midday, which means most everyone has gone hunting. I saw Nadine and Thrand strap little Deeni to Thrand's chest before heading out on their trip, and from drinking a cup of shrimp tea by the fire this morning, I'd heard a lot of the men went to go after a dvisti herd wandering close to camp. N'dek, O'jek, and Juth all went, but I'm not sure who else. Probably almost all of the hunters.
I should be able to get out of here without anyone giving me too much trouble. I'm a good hunter. Farli taught me all that I know. Me going hunting by myself? No big deal. It—
"Hey, there you are, stranger." Steph beams at me as she crosses through the pebbled sand, heading in my direction. "I was just looking for you."
Annnnnd shit.
It's not that I don't like Steph. I do. Steph is an absolute sweetheart and the kindest person I know. She wants to help everyone with their problems and take their burdens on for them. If you need a helping hand, she's the first one to volunteer. She's always got a kind word or an encouraging smile.
But she's absolutely the last person I want to see when I'm sneaking out to go hunting alone.
"Hey yourself," I say casually, smiling. I move to her side and as I do, the baby strapped to her ample chest waves its arms and legs excitedly. "How's my favorite baby girl? How you doing, Jethani?"
Tiny Jethani burbles happily, blowing a spit bubble in my direction as she reaches for me.
"No no, sweetie," Steph tells her baby daughter, closing her hands over Jethani's tiny blue fists. "Sam's got weapons on her. She can't hold you right now."
If only she knew how many. Jethani's the cutest baby, though. She's got the same stubby tail that Pak does, a slightly shorter version of Juth's, and her dark hair has a reddish cast to it. Steph swears she saw Jethani shift colors the other day, too, which is from her papa. She's the happiest baby, too, which makes me glad for Steph. I love seeing happy babies and happy mamas. I offer little Jethani my finger and she curls three small ones around it, making baby sounds. "I'm surprised this one's with you. Juth didn't strap her on and go hunting with her?" When Steph is quiet, I glance up and she's wearing a sheepish look of annoyance on her face. "He tried to? Really?"
She nods once. "Told me he used to do it with Pak all the time and it was never a problem. I put my foot down. Just because Pak managed to get through in one piece doesn't mean Jethani would be so lucky. I know he's trying to give me a few hours to myself, but taking the baby hunting is not an answer."