Page 15 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
She gives me a wary look, pulling out another blade from her clothing and holding it out. "Don't touch me."
I shoulder her pack, adding it to my own. "I am merely helping."
"Maybe I don't want help." Sam studies her knife, and then looks back up at me. "Does resonance pay attention to injuries? If I stab you, do we still resonate?"
"It does not notice injuries," I point out. "Remember T'chai and Mar-ee-sol."
"Shit. Right." She rubs her brow. "I knew that."
"You would not stab me anyhow," I point out. "We are friends." I do not mention that I would gladly let her shove her knife into my gut if it meant she would mount my cock. I would eagerly trade a stabbing for a mating and I am not averse to a bit of viciousness in my female. If it makes her happy, I will gladly go along with it. Anything to please the khui singing desperately inside me.
She stares down at her knife, upset. "It's because I'm weak. I'm weak, and that's why I'm fucked."
"You are not weak." I adjust the strap of the pack on my shoulder. "This is heavier than most females would carry. You have made it far even with resonance slowing your feet. You are strong and capable, Sam. Do not be hard on yourself." I make sure both packs are secure before picking up my spear again. "Where were you headed?"
Tucking her knife back into her leathers, Sam frowns at me. "I didn't invite you. Who says you're coming with me?"
Resonance, I want to point out, but I do not. It will just make her angry to remind her that it will be difficult to be apart while resonance is humming between us, unfulfilled. She knows this, though. "The others asked me to escort you to your destination. I will not stay if you do not want me around, but at least let me see you there."
Sam swallows, her eyes bright with her khui. She licks her lips, and I try not to notice how much they tremble. "I'm sorry, Sessah. I'm not trying to be an asshole. I just…"
"I know," I say softly. "It is a surprise for both of us." I gesture at the trail below the cliffs. "Come. Let us walk. You were going to the fruit caves?"
She gives a jerky nod, then steps ahead of me, taking the lead. I follow behind her, my cock and heart both aching fiercely as my khui sings and sings and sings.
I am so fucked.
If Sessah was an asshole or a pushy type like Bek or I'rec, I could hate him. I could hate all of this, and it would help me fight that much harder. I could maybe use some of these weapons I've been crafting for all this time.
But Sessah is...nice. He's my friend. If we weren't resonating, I'd say he's an utter and complete sweetheart. There's not a mean bone in his big, overgrown, husky body. He's just kind and thoughtful and ever so slightly shy. I think of how Tia led him around and how bad I'd always felt for him. How I thought he deserved someone better. Or not better—because Tia is pretty and sweet and high-spirited, and that's unfair to her. He deserved someone to give him the affection he clearly craved in a partner.
I didn't realize it'd be me.
I feel trapped as we head silently along the snowy trails, winding through the valley. It's easier to walk without the heavy pack weighing me down, but I'd take it back in a heartbeat if Sessah would leave. Not that leaving will solve anything. Now that he's resonating, too, we're both screwed until we figure this thing out. I think about Josie and Haeden, and all the stories I've heard about their stormy resonance. They held out for a few weeks, I think. I've got some time before all of this becomes completely unbearable.
I'll just have to figure something out.
As if he can read my thoughts, Sessah speaks up. "Vuh-ron-cah…"
"No," I say immediately. "I know what you're thinking. She won't. Not after Mari." I think back to Marisol and T'chai. The Tall Horn man had been grievously wounded and unable to perform resonance, and Mari was struggling. Veronica was still learning her healing powers, and so she shut off Mari's khui. Whatever happened, it messed up Mari bad, and she and T'chai were miserable long after he'd healed from his wounds. Veronica has sworn that she will never again mess with resonance. I know she wouldn't turn mine off just because I'm not interested. It's not just me it affects, but Sessah, too. Now that he's resonated to me, he can't resonate to anyone else. He's stuck with me.
It's not an option, having Veronica monkey with things. It's just not. I know even before he asks.