Page 13 of Sam's Secret (Icehome)
I walk all afternoon, until I feel so awful I can't stand it any longer. I stagger along the cliffs, looking for the stupid hunter cave that has to be somewhere along this trail. I know it is. I've been this way before, but it's hard to concentrate when all I can think about is my pussy. When my innards clench on nothing at all over and over again, and all of me feels oversensitive and so damn needy I could scream. The valley I drag myself through opens up to another set of hills, and I trudge up them, losing steam. The suns will go down soon, and once they do, the temperature will drop dramatically. I can build a fire provided I find some out of the way spot, but I'd prefer a cave, so I keep walking.
My leggings shift, rubbing against my pussy, and I drop to my knees, groaning. "You whore," I tell my girl parts. Frantic, I shove a hand down my pants and rub my aching flesh. Everything feels overstimulated, but it doesn't take me long to come. A few quick drags of my finger into my core and one grind of my palm against my clit and I explode so hard that spots dance in front of my eyes. I groan, collapsing over my hand and pressing my cheek into the cool snow.
Once I catch my breath, I slide my hand away from my too-sensitive body and gauge how I feel. If anything, I feel…worse. How is that possible? How do I feel more needy than before? I stare at the butt of my spear, tempted to use it for some unholy purposes, but I shake the idea off. No. With any luck, there'll be some nice phallic fruit at the fruit cave and I can solve my problem that way. I just need something inside me, to fill me, and how fucked is that? It's been years since I've had sex, and I haven't minded at all. On days that it got to be too much to handle, a quick session with my fingers would do the trick. But this? This is bad.
I pick myself up and begin walking again, following the trails once more. Even though there's crusted snow over everything, it's easy to see the game trails, and I've been taught to follow those. The animals take the path of least resistance, and so do I. When the ground rises again and becomes rocky, I decide I'll follow along the cliffs to see if anything looks familiar. I do this for a time, and then my bag feels so damn heavy I drop it onto the ground behind me and stagger toward the edge of the cliff.
A sob escapes me as I stare down the side of the cliff. I'm so tired, and achy, and everything feels like it could give me an utterly unsatisfying orgasm. My nipples hurt when they brush against the leather of my tunic. My pussy hurts. My fucking vaginal passage aches, and that's something I thought I'd never say to myself. Even my hair hurts. I'm tired, and hungry, and cranky, and most of all, I'm horny as hell. I weep as I stare out at the valley, desperately trying to find something that looks like a hunter cave. All the while, my khui gets louder and louder in my ears.
"Why won't you stop?" I cry, blubbering and feeling sorry for myself. I'll pull my shit together tomorrow, but for now, I just want to bawl. I bang a fist against my chest. "How do I make you stop?"
"NO! SAM!"
The shout takes me by surprise. I can't even turn around before I'm tackled by a big, heavy body and tossed to the ground. Hot pain flashes through me as I hit the hard-packed snow, quickly followed by panic. A hand grabs my shoulder and I scream. And scream. And scream.
No! Not again!
Frantic, beyond thought, I pull one of my knives free and stab.
Sam's trail is easy to find. It does not take me long to follow after her, not when she is leaving such obvious signs in the snow. I keep a fair distance behind her, out of sight, so she does not notice me, and as I do, I try to figure out how I will approach her. I am not resonating, and she will not like it when she finds I am following her.
When I see Sam standing over the edge of the cliff, weeping, I forget about caution. She looks desperate enough to fling herself over the cliff, and so I race toward her, tackling her before she can throw herself over the edge. "No! Sam!"
We crash to the ground, hard, and I immediately touch her shoulder, giving her a slight shake. I landed hard on her, and I am large and heavy. The human female immediately starts screaming, clawing at my face. Her eyes are wide with terror, and I could swear she does not see me.