Page 34 of Ace of Hearts (FU High 1)
I lay my scissors down and fold my hands together. “So what do you think needs to be done?”
“Make an example out of Billy. Get him to say what he did was wrong and why. Start making the guys talk about what’s wrong instead of making the girls try to protect each other,” Melody says.
I stare at Ace. “That what you want?” Because she’d be in the middle of it if I made a scene. She’d be the one that Billy would be apologizing to.
She licks her lips and gives me a terse nod. I straighten up. “One apology coming up.”
“Where’s your shadow?” Melody asks as she drops down into the seat next to me in the cafeteria. She reaches for a few fries off my plate.
“Said he was getting me something sweet,” I tell her before shoving the last bite of pizza into my mouth. I look around to see where Owen has disappeared to. I would have been good with a kiss or a makeout session for my dessert but he was up and out of his seat before I could tell him that. I don’t see him anywhere. Normally he’s easy to spot because he’s so freaking tall but the cafeteria is packed. He’s probably waiting in line at the vending machine or something.
“Hope he gets something good,” Melody says before grabbing more fries off my plate. I’m used to this by now. So is Owen. She never wants to wait in the line so she is always stealing food off my plate. She’s normally late to lunch too, letting her art class bleed into her eating time. I can’t complain, though, because she always brings killer snacks to our study sessions so it makes us even.
“I’m sure he’ll get you something.” He normally does. I don’t think it’s because he is trying to be extra nice to Melody. It’s more likely that he doesn’t like her eating my food. He has gotten into the habit of making sure he gets enough for her too. I’m still not sure either of them like each other. Often watching them argue over something is entertaining though. They bicker like brother and sister.
“Oh shit.” Melody gasps. I look up at her from my phone I have lying on the table. Her eyes are wide while her mouth hangs in shock. I turn to follow her line of sight to see what’s going on. That’s when I spot Owen. You can’t miss him now because he’s got Billy by the back of the neck, leading him my way.
Billy’s face doesn’t look much better today. It probably doesn’t help that it is a nice shade of red right now. Everyone is turning to look at what’s going on. Even I’m not sure what Owen is up to but it’s starting to dawn on me rather quickly. The sound of chairs pushing back from lunch tables are all you hear as people move to get out of the way. Owen continues to guide Billy toward me. His eyes stayed glued to mine as he pushes him forward. Instantly I stand, not sure what I’m supposed to do but I don’t want Owen to get in trouble. Worse, I’m worried he’ll get kicked out of school or off the team because Billy was an asshole. Billy deserves whatever happens to him but Owen wouldn’t deserve the consequences he might have to suffer for making sure Billy takes accountability.
“Ace.” Owen calls out my name. He smiles, giving me those dimples like he’s just brought me a puppy or something instead of a football player. Billy looks like a pathetic rag doll in Owen’s grasp.
“Owen?” I answer back. The whole cafeteria has gone quiet now. All attention is on us.
“Never mind. I don’t want any,” Melody says from beside me.
I turn my attention to her for a split second because I have no idea what the hell she’s talking about. “You don’t want any what?”
She looks at me like I’m the crazy one. “That disgusting piece of shit that Owen dragged in here. He said he was getting us something good. This is bullshit.” If I wasn’t so nervous about Owen getting in trouble, I would have laughed. I turn my attention back to the big elephant in this cafeteria, readying myself for whatever Owen has in mind. The sooner we get this over with the better it will be for all of us.
Billy’s eyes remain focused on the floor. He has not looked up once since they stopped in front of us. Owen’s grip tightens on Billy’s neck as he forces his head up, causing him to look directly into my eyes. His face looks like he went a few rounds with a professional boxer. I have a second of sympathy for him before I push it aside, remembering the words he spoke to me. The fear that he had tried to instill in me is fresh in my mind. I’m not doing this only for myself but for every girl that has suffered at his hands. I am fortunate because I have someone to protect me. Most girls don’t, and this will send a clear message. One saying that this will no longer be tolerated.