Page 32 of Ace of Hearts (FU High 1)
I didn’t know what they were talking about. That was before Billy, though. The only football player I talk to is Owen and he’s been nothing but sweet and respectful. That said, I keep my nose in my books or pointed at my man. There isn’t enough time to pay attention to other things. Now, I see what some of the other girls meant. They didn’t outright say why but it made me wonder if there was some kind of unspoken rule around Franklin U High. You never mention what the boys on the team do; you just stay away from them.
“They both got what they deserved.” I have no guilt over either of them. I could only hope they actually learned a lesson. I can only make assumptions of the football team since I haven’t been around long enough to be in the know about them. When I watch the games my eyes are always on Owen. There has to be more to the story, though, because I can’t imagine Owen would be friends with a bunch of boys who treat women like trash. He isn’t built that way. He has manners when it comes to women. That’s where my mind keeps getting stuck. All of it doesn’t add up to me.
“Wasn’t enough.” Owen shakes his head. Yeah, it’s still eating at him. Melody sent me a picture of Billy. I hadn’t told her what happened but she’d asked me. She probably assumes that Owen would have told me since they were teammates. I knew exactly who Billy got that busted face from but I kept my answer casual to Melody. It looks like his face met a fist is the only thing I said. It was the truth. She’d seen him at the store and snuck a picture. It might not be enough in Owen’s mind but it was damn close from the look of Billy’s face. I’d say the score had been evened but Owen would disagree, based on his expression.
“I love you.” I say the words that have been on the tip of my tongue for days now. When he said them to me it felt so right. I wanted to say them to him then but I didn’t want him to think I was only repeating them back. Those are powerful words to say to someone and I wanted them to come in the right moment. He needs to know that I mean them with all of my heart. His head jerks back, causing his eyes to lock with mine. The emotion I see in them brings tears to my own. His hand reaches up to caress my face while his lips gently kiss mine. The kiss is sweet and tender, just like my Owen always is with me.
“I love you too, Ace,” he says against my mouth. “It’s about time you admitted it,” he adds, making me laugh. He gives me one of those dimples.
“I know. I give in.” I fake an eye roll. This time he does toss me down onto the sofa, but he tickles me.
“This was not how I thought I’d find you two on the sofa.” Mom says standing with Dad in the entryway to the living room.
“Don’t just stand there. Help me!” I shout at them through my laughter. They both only stare at us in amusement. I think it is safe to say my parents are a little in love with Owen too. I can’t blame them. He is easy to love and I am lucky to be the one that gets to do it.
I hadn’t realized that JJ disappeared. I search for him on Monday but don’t see him. When afternoon practice rolls around, I corner Carter by his locker first thing.
“Whatever happened to the dude JJ?”
“Anderson? The basketball player?” Carter shrugs. “Heard he transferred over to Jefferson.”
Carter gives me a look. “You don’t know why?”
I don’t budge. “No. I don’t. I’m a dumb football player. I need things explained with pictures and bold type.”
“You’re in three honors classes,” Carter says with annoyance. “I thought he’d fuck with your performance. He sucks at basketball so I suggested he leave and he left. End of story.” He pushes by me.
I hadn’t thought of driving Billy out of school, but I like that option. I crack my knuckles. The best way is to just beat him up every day. I don’t have money to threaten him with, which is the tool I bet Carter used, but I am capable of punching Billy in the face every time I see him. In fact, that idea makes me pretty damn happy.
I turn to see Carter frowning behind me. “You talking to me?”
“Yeah and I see what you’re thinking. You can’t get rid of Billy.”
“The fuck I can’t.” Carter’s beginning to annoy me. “He’s a third string running back. A freshman could play his part.”