Page 24 of Ace of Hearts (FU High 1)
“Owen,” I breathe against his neck. I want to do more.
“Gotta get you back in your seat.” I shake my head no in the nook of his neck. I don’t want to go anywhere. His arms wrap around me, holding me tight. His cock jerks against me again. I smile into his neck before I place a kiss there. Then another.
“Ace,” he warns.
“I know.” I sigh while leaning back.
“Give me a kiss and get in your seat.” It’s a half-hearted order. He doesn’t want me to go anywhere, but I follow it.
“Can you try and drive a little faster?” I ask as I slip back into my seat, pulling my seatbelt on. I watch as he adjusts himself. He brings his fingers up to his nose, breathing my scent in before he slips them into his mouth. My stomach flutters with excitement. I want that mouth on me. Everywhere. But I want to taste him too. We haven’t ventured that far.
“Sorry, Ace, that I can’t do. Precious cargo.”
I narrow my eyes on him. He has got to be hurting more than I am. At least I got some release.
My mom’s words float into my head. I knew your dad was the one when he always put us first. That’s when you know you have a good man. He thinks of you before himself.
“Okay,” I agree. I lean back in my seat, knowing it will only be a few more minutes until we both get what we want. More than anything I know I am giving it to the right man.
The house is quiet when I lead Ace inside. Mom is working her night shift and the only light left on is the one over the stove. I flip on the main lights and toss my keys onto the counter.
“You hungry?” I ask. Ace giggles. “I mean for food,” I clarify.
“Sure. What do you have?” She slides onto one of the two bar stools tucked under the small center island. It occurs to me how different our homes are. Her kitchen is full of marble and steel. The center island where her mom prepares dinners is longer than my entire hallway. I think I could fit my entire house in the first floor of Ace’s home. She’s a rich kid—a really rich kid—and I don’t think it hit me until this moment as she rests her elbows on the top of my chipped laminate countertop.
“I’m gonna go pro, you know,” I blurt out, feeling suddenly defensive. “I’m gonna sign a big contract and there will be endorsement money so this isn’t all you’re going to have if you stick with me.”
Ace blinks, not quite sure what to make of my outburst. I scrub a hand through my hair and turn to hide my flustered face in the fridge. Usually, I don’t lack for confidence. It never mattered before what other people had and I didn’t. I didn’t pay attention to what other chicks thought of me before because I never wanted one before. But I want Ace. More importantly, I need her. A whole future without her isn’t something I want to contemplate, but right now it doesn’t look like I can provide for her like she’s used to being provided for. I hope she can wait.
“What are you talking about?” she asks.
I slam the door shut and turn to face Ace. “Don’t pay any attention to me. I’m being a dumbass. We’ve got sandwich meat. I make a mean mac and cheese. I’m pretty sure we have a bottle of Ragu around here.”
“No, Owen, I’m serious. What did you mean that you plan to go pro? Or that you’ll have endorsements? You think I’m with you because I think you’re going to be rich?”
I really have to start watching my dumb mouth, but as Ace sits there with a wounded expression on her face, I know I have to come clean. Even if it makes me look dumb and insecure and shallow.
“I was being a dumbshit,” I tell her, leaning back against the counter. “Most of the time it doesn’t occur to me that you’re a rich girl and I’m…well, not one. Rich, that is. Not a girl. Obviously.” My words are getting tangled up. Ace’s frown hasn’t gone away. I shake my head and search for some clarity. “All I’m saying is that I want the best for you and someday I’ll be able to give it to you. That’s it.”
She’s still got her lips pressed together in a flat, unhappy way. “I don’t care about money. If I did, there would be plenty of other guys I could be with, Owen. I’m with you because I know you’re always looking out for me. You don’t let other girls drool over you. You’re respectful around my mom. You don’t play games. That’s all I want.”