Page 4 of Bare (Diamondback MC 3)
“Yeah, we can get this over with. Come ‘ere, sugar. Let me hold you for a minute.” I sit down next to her, crowding her space. She gives in rather easily. Her head goes to my chest, the faint scent of raspberries filling the air around us.
“I’m not going to like this, am I?” she asks.
“Depends on how you look at things. You’re probably right. Just know all of our hands are tied. We’ve done everything we can to keep the wolves at bay, but it seems between the Mack situation and what went down with Persephone, certain people are out for blood.” Sadie’s body locks up tight.
“Oh God, it’s never going to be over. Mack is still causing trouble, and he’s not even around. The only good thing he’s left behind is Henley. He was twenty-nine years old, worked as a club manager, couldn’t even help out with our daughter consistently, and still in his wake, he’s left not only her unprotected but also me.” If this is Sadie’s way of admitting defeat, I’ll be the one to be in her corner to fight all of her battles. Which is why I move her from sitting beside me until she’s straddling my lap, somehow managing not to lose her towel along the way, and that just plain fuckin’ sucks.
“You’re not unprotected. You got me, and as much as you hate to admit it, you got the club too. That being said, shit’s going down, and I can’t hightail it to your place every night after workin’ for the club. I need you and Henley closer.” She starts to interrupt me, but I keep going. “I’m not askin’ you to stay in my room at the clubhouse the entire time. A night here and there, sure. If it’s back to mandatory lockdowns, then yes. Other than that, you know I have a house on the property, just like most brothers do. I need you and Henley there. The only reason you’re not there permanently right now is you, sugar. I’ve been patiently waitin’ on you to come around. Sucks, but we can’t go at your pace. Not now.”
“Shit, we’ll go. I’m not going to argue with you. I know this is serious. I’m fully aware how you’ve been handling me with so much care that sometimes I’m not sure you’re even real.” Sadie gave in way too fuckin’ quickly. Could be the dark circles beneath her eyes and the need to work. I’m hoping like hell it’s because she’s finally acknowledging that this is way more than me protecting her and Henley.
“Alright, that was too easy. Somethin’ tells me tomorrow will be a full day, but right now, you need some shuteye. Henley’s asleep, but who knows how long that may last.” Sadie’s arms are looped around my neck. My hands grasp her hips as I stand up, her legs wrapping around my body, the front of her towel dropping.
“Christ, gonna be hard not to hear those soft mewls of yours tonight.” Her practically bare body is pressed against my clothed one.
“Any other day, I’d tempt you even more, but tonight, I’m exhausted, Ruger. So freaking tired,” she murmurs into my chest.
“Sleep, then. Tomorrow’s another day.” It takes all of my willpower not to glide my hands down to the globes of her ass cheeks, spreading them, my fingers filling her cunt. That’s not in the cards right now. My woman needs sleep. Tomorrow night, though, all bets are fuckin’ off.
“Ruger, don’t you think this is overkill?” My small apartment is overrun with everyone from the club. Raven and Persephone are packing up my kitchen, and Shovel is grumbling over the fact that my furniture weighs a ‘fuckin’ ton’. I may not have the most luxurious of things, but the end tables, coffee table, and dresser I’m using as an entertainment center, I scoured garage and estate sales until I found what I was looking for.
“Nope, told you last night you and Henley were coming to stay with me. If I remember correctly, you had no problem with it. Should have known that in the light of day things would be different.” Shit, I hear the defeat in his tone. One day, I’m going to have to learn to think before I speak. If not, it may be too late.
“That’s not what I meant. I knew we were going to stay with you. I didn’t realize I was moving out today. Have you thought about the lease I’m breaking? Or what if we move in together, and it’s nothing but fight after fight?” I put it all out there, in front of people who have slowly become friends and family, trying to fix my fuck-up.
“Sadie, sugar, I can’t have you here. Yes, I’m proud as hell you made this place, your home, but it’s one step up from a hovel. No matter all the cleaning you do, it’s still not going to make it safe. Your lease is taken care of. Let me take care of my girls.” I watch as he saunters towards me. There’s no other way of calling it that. Ruger doesn’t walk, stride, or run, he freaking saunters as if there’s no time in the world. His gait is strong, and his presence can make me come undone.