Page 20 of Big Neighbor Daddy (Forbidden Fantasies 31)
“Yes, yes, YES!” she moans, rocking back and forth with abandon. “Oh god, Carl, you feel so good,” she groans again, her breasts jouncing up and down as her movements grow more vigorous.
“I love you, baby,” I rasp, reaching forward to stroke her hard nub as she rides me. “More than you know.”
The words push her over the edge, and with a scream, my girl spasms and comes hard on my stiff rod. I join her, roaring my pleasure as male seed shoots deep into the young girl’s body.
“FUCK!” I shout. “Oh yeah!”
But then, another scream cuts through my consciousness. At first, I can’t process it because Colleen and I are still enjoying one another thoroughly. But then I realize that her bedroom door is open, and that Judy and Bill Weston are standing there with frozen, horrified expressions on their faces.
“Mom? Dad?” Colleen shrieks. “Oh God!” she screams again as a last surge of pleasure grips her body.
Oh shit. This can’t be happening, but indeed it is. Even as my balls drain inside their daughter, I know that Judy and Bill will have words to say, and that I’ll deserve every single epithet and recrimination. Yet I love their daughter, and that’s the most important thing. I have to make it clear to the Westons that although I respect their opinion, ultimately it doesn’t matter because I’m claiming Colleen, with or without their approval.
The last of Colleen’s climax ripples through her body, and she manages to reach over and grab her t-shirt, covering her naked frame.
“Mom? Dad?” she shrieks. “Omg, what are you doing here?”
Bill looks thunderstruck.
“This is our home. What the hell are you doing? Is that our neighbor? How do you even know him?”
Oh shit. This is not how I wanted to meet Colleen’s parents because we were going to tell them about our relationship after she graduated from high school. Of course, the pregnancy makes it a bit more complicated, but we would have figured it out. I did not expect them to walk in on us while we were enjoying one another, but Bill has a point. This is his house and his domain, after all.
“Explain yourself. NOW!” Bill booms. I manage to struggle into my jeans before standing with my hands raised.
“We’ve been dating for a few months,” I admit. “It’s not what you think it is—”
At that, Judy Weston screams like she’s just seen a dead body.
“Not what we think this is? You’ve ruined my daughter!” she shrieks before seizing pillow and battering me with it. For a petite older lady, Judy is pretty strong, and I wince as I try to deflect her blows.
“Mom, stop,” Colleen shouts, but there’s too much commotion. Judy is still screaming about what a terrible person I am and Bill is babbling about how Colleen is too good for this.
“Bill, Judy, I love your daughter,” I say, trying to speak over the noise. “We’re in a healthy relationship and we love each other. Isn’t that what you want for her?”
Judy merely screams again, tears flowing from her face now.
“I can’t believe this is happening to us!” she wails, still taking swings at me with a bolster. “Sarah was so shameful, having a baby with two men! And now this! Oh my God, what did we do to deserve this? Two daughters who are whores!”
I glare at the older woman.
“Colleen is not a whore,” I growl threateningly. “I don’t know why you’d say that.”
But Judy is on a roll.
“Don’t you say a fucking word to me, you disgusting old man! Don’t you know our daughter is still a teenager? And how old are you? Fifty? Sixty? You’ll probably be applying for AARP benefits soon!”
My heart sinks. Shit. I knew there were risks when Colleen and I got together, and that her parents would take some convincing, but I never thought it would be this bad. I steal a glance at Colleen, and there are tears streaming down the beautiful girl’s cheeks. But then she straightens her shoulders and looks directly at her parents before taking a deep, shuddering breath.
“I’m nineteen years old. You may try to treat me like a child, but I’m not a child. I’m an adult, and for your information, I’m above the age of consent, so this actually isn’t any of your business.”
“You’re still in high school!” Bill says harshly.
Colleen grows pale but remains firm. “That’s true, but it doesn’t matter. I’ve fallen in love, and this is the man I want to be with.”
Judy snorts.
“Love? You don’t know anything about love. Again: you’re nineteen. You don’t know anything about how the world works.”
Colleen grows even more pale, but she stands her ground.
“No, that’s not true. I’m in love with Carl, and he loves me too. In fact, we’re expecting a baby together, and we can’t wait to be parents.”