Page 12 of Big Neighbor Daddy (Forbidden Fantasies 31)
That’s why I’m taking Colleen out on a date today. Even though I’m known for my dirty ways, I don’t want to be like that with the sweet girl. I want to spend time with the entrancing woman and to introduce her to new experiences. Her awe and wonder always remind me of how much there is to appreciate in the world, and if anything, Colleen’s been teaching me, and not the other way around.
“Are you ready to go?” I ask my beautiful neighbor as she hurries up my front steps. Her brown curls bobble and she glances down the street to make sure no one can see her before shooting me a shy smile. Of course, someone could see us, but we’ll just make up an excuse. Maybe something about participating in a mentorship program through the high school. Do they have that at Monroe High? I certainly hope so.
Meanwhile, the pretty girl smiles so bright that my heart pounds.
“Yes, I’m ready! I’m really excited to go. Six Flags is going to be fun, and I can’t believe I’ve never been.”
“Good, I’m glad you’re looking forward to it,” I grin before leading her to my truck. “It’s a beautiful day, so all the rides are going to be open. Come on, honey. In you go.”
The curvy girl hops in, and I take a moment to admire her lush figure in the yellow halter top and short shorts gracing those long, tanned legs.
“You look gorgeous, honey,” I growl before going around to get into the cab of the truck. “And those sneakers are a good idea too. We don’t want your shoes falling off when we go on the roller coasters.”
She giggles a bit as I back the truck out of my driveway.
“Oh, I don’t know if I’m up for roller coasters, Carl. What if I throw up on you?” she asks mischievously.
I merely shoot her a warning look before it dissolves into laughs from both of us. Then I take her hand in mine as we begin driving. It’s funny, because it’s only been about a week since her unfortunate bike accident in front of my house, and yet I feel as if I’ve known Colleen forever. I’ve never been so comfortable around a woman before, and it’s nice actually. Kind of like having a friend and lover rolled into one.
An hour later, and we’re pulling into Six Flags’ enormous parking lot. There are already hundreds of cars there, and Colleen hops out once we roll to a stop.
“Come on!” she says excitedly while grabbing at my hand. “I really want to win a giant stuffed animal. Or you should win one for me because I’m terrible at carnival games,” she adds mischievously.
Quickly, I pay at the tollbooth and we stroll right into an outdoor arcade area. Colleen grabs my hand to drag me towards a game where you shoot at a target while a clown face goes up a rod. When it hits the top of the rod, you win a prize. Giggling, my sweet girl points to a giant bear dangling from the rafters of the tent. Holy shit. The thing must be at least four feet tall, and looks oddly heavy for something made of fluff and fabric.
“Just so you know, I want that before we leave,” she says with a serious look.
I laugh.
“Really? But honey, what are you going to do with a giant bear?”
“I collect them!” Colleen says excitedly. “And now that my sister has moved out, I have a whole room to fill with giant stuffed animals. It’s so great and my parents don’t even know, they’re so clueless.”
I don’t know if I should be horrified or charmed that my girlfriend collects roomfuls of stuffed animals, but so be it. I promise to win her a giant stuffed something before the day is done as she drags me towards the rides. But before we reach a huge spinning machine where people are hurled in circles at light speed, I pull her towards a snack stand.
“Do you want to get a bite to eat, baby girl? We left early so I’m a little hungry.”
Immediately, Colleen’s face shutters and grows dark.
“No, because my parents would probably kill me. You know Judy and Bill. Nothing about them makes sense, and they’re always on my case to lose weight because they don’t think that curvy girls can be successful in life.”
I scowl and pull my girlfriend towards the storefront before ordering two large ice cream sundaes.
“That’s total bullshit, and such a general statement. Come on, sweetheart. Dig in,” I say as they hand us the ice cream.
She protests even as her eyes go wide with anticipation.
“Carl, really, we haven’t even had lunch yet…”
I shrug. “Like I said, your parents are total bullshit, and from what you told me about how they almost lost their house, they’re idiots too. You’re gorgeous honey, and you should eat what you want. In fact, if you put on twenty extra pounds, I think you’d look even better.”