Page 73 of Tears of Betrayal
My breathing slows as her words sink in.
I fucking knew it.
She types out a message, and when it comes through, I stare at the lie.
Ariana: Yeah, I’ve been thinking a lot. Being away from you has definitely given me the clarity I needed. It was all a spur-of-the-moment thing for me. Can we keep our relationship professional? Only contact me for business.
I take a deep breath and let it out slowly, then respond to her request.
Demitri: You do your thing, and I’ll do mine.
Keep running, Malyshka. I’m right behind you.
Chapter 32
It’s been a week since I’ve last heard from Demitri. The heartache grows with every passing day, and I miss him so much it’s hard to do anything.
If it weren’t for Nikhil checking on me every day, I’d probably just lie in bed until I died because there’s nothing to get up for.
But the fear that Nikhil might be giving Demitri updates about me makes me drag my exhausted body out of bed. Feeling completely drained, I shower and get myself ready enough so that I don’t look like a zombie.
Dressed in a pair of jeans, a long sleeve shirt, and a sweater, I pick up my phone and text Nikhil.
Ariana: I want to visit my mom.
He responds immediately.
Nikhil: I’m coming.
I tuck my phone in my pocket and walk to the kitchen. I take a bottle of water from the fridge and swallow a couple of sips.
The front door opens, and I glance at Nikhil. “Did you make an extra key for yourself?”
“Yes.” There’s no apology in his tone.
I just nod and follow him out of the apartment. As I climb into the passenger side of the SUV, my heart skips a beat when I smell Demitri’s woodsy aftershave. I take a deep breath, getting more of the scent, and it rips through my insides.
When Nikhil slides behind the steering wheel, I ask, “Do you smell that?”
He takes a breath, then frowns at me. “What?”
Nikhil shakes his head, seemingly relaxed as he starts the engine. Driving us to the nursing home, he says, “I’m going to have to escort you inside, but I’ll keep a respectful distance.”
“Okay.” I take another deep breath, but the smell is gone, and it makes my heart sink like a rock to the pit of my stomach.
When we get to the nursing home, Nikhil checks the area and then says, “If you see anyone that looks out of place, let me know.”
I nod and shove the door open. Walking through the entrance, I head to the reception, so I can make arrangements for the month’s payment I missed. It will take a while before I have access to the money my dad left me, and I’m hoping they’re willing to wait.
The receptionist smiles at me, and then I ask, “Can I speak with someone in the finance department?”
“Sure, take a seat while you wait.” I walk to the windows and stare out at the parking area.
A guy from the finance department comes up to me, and I notice Nikhil taking a step closer. I wave my hand for him to back down and follow the guy into an office.
After we take a seat at a desk, I say, “I’ve been out of town for my father’s funeral. I missed last month’s payment but will be able to settle the amount I’m behind soon. I’m hoping you can give me some time.”
“Who’s the patient?” he asks.
“Beth Robinson.”
The guy checks on the system, then he shakes his head, and my heart just sinks further.
“The account is up to date,” he says.
Frowning, I lean forward. “It is?”
“Actually, it’s been paid in advance for the next six months.”
“What?” I give him a confused look. “Are you on the right account?”
“Yes.” He checks again, then turns the screen so I can see. My eyes dart over my mom’s information and then the transaction section, where it shows a payment of seventy thousand to the account.
“Can you see who made the payment?”
The guy looks, then says, “It only shows Beth Robinson in the reference section. To find out more, I’ll have to contact the bank.”
Did Demitri pay the account?
My heart begins to race as I get up from the chair. “Ah… thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Have a nice day.”
I nod, mumbling, “You too.” Leaving the office, I walk to the residence section. I stop by the nurses' station and force a smile around my lips when I see Ashley.
She gives me a look of surprise. “Hey, hon. We haven’t seen you in a while.” Her eyes sweep over me, then she frowns. “Were you sick?”
“Yeah.” I gesture down the hallway. “How’s my mom?”
“She had a bad spell a couple of weeks back where she couldn’t remember who she was. We’ve adjusted her medication to keep her calm.”
I nod, then ask, “Do you think it’s okay if I visit her?”