Page 43 of Tears of Betrayal
It would really be hot if Demitri did that.
“There’s no reason for you to feel bad about killing someone who wants to kill you. It’s called self-defense.”
Oh… true.
My teeth tug at my bottom lip, then I ask, “You’re an assassin, right?”
“Amongst other things,” he replies.
“Have you killed a lot of people?”
“I’ve lost count.”
Like I wasn’t scared of him enough.
I’m surprised that he’s actually answering my questions, so I keep going before my luck runs out. “But never an innocent person?”
Alexei nods. “I’m not a cold-hearted murderer, Ariana. Those I’ve killed deserved worse than death.”
I nod because I can understand and even accept that.
“How many people has Demitri killed?”
Alexei stares at me for a moment before he answers, “A hell of a lot more than me.”
“All bad?”
Alexei nods again.
Swallowing hard, I ask a question I’m not sure I want the answer to, “If I tried to hurt you… Not that I would, but if I tried… Demitri would kill me, right?”
This time Alexei thinks long and hard, then he murmurs, “I’m not sure.” He takes a deep breath then pins me with a look of warning that immediately makes my heartbeat speed up and my muscles tense. “Listen very carefully to me, Ariana.”
I swallow hard and then nod.
“I would burn this fucking world down for Demitri. He’s more than just my brother. Every day that man puts his life on the line to protect me, and trust me, that’s no easy job. There’s no one I love more. If you hurt him, I’ll make an exception to the only rule I live by.”
My mouth is dry as I ask, “What rule?”
“Not killing women.”
My breathing speeds up, and my voice quivers as I ask, “So I have no choice, I just have to keep him happy? Is that what you’re saying?”
“No, that would piss off Demitri,” Alexei chuckles as if he didn’t just threaten me. “If you agree to a relationship with him, it’s for life. There’s no leaving him.”
“Oh… ahh… that’s good to know,” I mutter. Now I’ll think twice before getting into a relationship with Demitri.
“But as long as you’re loyal to Demitri, you’ll have my protection.”
I nod, then glance out of the window. After a while, I say, “He feels the same way about you.”
“I know.”
Not much later, Demitri’s voice sounds up over a speaker. “We’re landing soon.”
“Buckle up,” Alexei orders while strapping his seatbelt over his lap.
I do the same, and a couple of minutes later, Demitri lands the plane smoothly. When he comes into the cabin, I get up from the seat and watch as he opens a cabinet, and then he pulls three guns from it.
My eyebrows shoot up, and I can only stare as he hands Alexei a rifle and one of the guns.
Demitri tucks a gun behind his back, and keeping the other one in his hand, he opens the door and glances outside. “Nikhil’s waiting. Let’s make this quick.” His eyes land on me, and when he sees the shock on my face, he slowly looks down at the gun in his hand then back at me. “You okay?”
“Ahh… yeah.”
“Stay close to Alexei,” he says.
“Why not you?” I ask as I glance between them.
“It’s easier for me to protect you both if you’re close to each other,” Demitri explains.
Alexei grabs one of the bags they brought from the island and grins at me. “You’re with me, little one.”
Taking a deep breath, I let it out, and then I move closer to Alexei.
This isn’t weird at all.
Demitri leaves the plane first, and then he calls out, “Clear.”
When Alexei starts to walk, I move, and as we come down the stairs, Demitri’s glancing around the area, looking like a badass bodyguard.
I have to move faster to keep up with Alexei as we walk toward a black SUV.
I feel Demitri behind us, and glancing over my shoulder, my mouth dries for a second time today when I see the deadly expression on his face. His demeanor is tense, ready to explode into action at the first sign of danger.
Holy freaking hotness.
The man, who I assume is Nikhil, nods at Alexei and Demitri, not even glancing my way.
Alexei opens the back door and gestures for me to get in. Once I’m inside the cab, Nikhil gets in next to me, where Alexei slides behind the steering wheel, and Demitri takes the passenger seat.
I give Nikhil an unsure smile. “Hi.”
He just nods at me.
As Alexei starts the engine, he asks, “Is Tao still at the motel?”
“Yes. He’s been laying low, probably trying to find the girl.”
“Ariana, how do you feel about being bait?” Alexei asks casually.
Do I even have to answer that? “I don’t like the idea at all.”
“Thought as much,” Alexei chuckles. “We’ll spend the night at Ariana’s place. Nikhil, you’ll guard her while Demitri and I take care of Tao.”