Page 35 of Tears of Betrayal
Alexei’s eyes sweep over me, and then he turns his attention to Demitri, and I can finally take a full breath.
Holy shit.
Alexei tilts his head, and then he grins at Demitri. “She’s in one piece. I’m impressed.”
What the hell? Did he expect to find me in pieces?
Frowning, I glance between the two men.
Demitri lets out a chuckle. “It was touch and go the first couple of days.”
Alexei turns his attention back to me, and I tense up again. “My condolences. I had a lot of respect for your father.”
I can barely manage a nod.
For a moment, Alexei just stares at me, then he says, “Relax, little one. I’m the nice one.”
Nervously, my tongue darts out to wet my dry lips, then I ask, “You’re the nice one?”
Alexei gestures to Demitri. “Between the two of us, Demitri’s the dangerous one. If you can survive him, you can survive anything.”
My eyes dart up to Demitri, and then his thumb brushes against the side of my neck again. “Don’t worry. We’re on your side, remember?”
I really needed the reminder because I forgot that crucial fact for a moment.
“Demitri,” Alexei says. “Security room.”
Alexei walks toward the stairs leading down to the basement as Demitri steps closer to me. He presses a kiss to the side of my head. “Don’t worry about Alexei. He won’t hurt you.”
I nod and then watch as Demitri follows Alexei. Once the men are out of sight, my legs actually feel weak. I walk to the couch, and plopping down, I take deep breaths.
Crap, that was intense.
Alexei’s the nice one?
I doubt that.
I glance to where the men disappeared and bite my bottom lip.
Will I get out of this alive?
I’m not going to lie, coming face to face with Alexei Koslov was intimidating as hell… and scary.
Thinking back to that first day, I have to admit I was just as terrified of Demitri. Obviously, it changed during the last couple of days. It did a one-eighty turn because I’m not scared of Demitri anymore. Not in the fear-for-my-life kind of way.
Nope, now I’m more afraid of how I feel around him.
Slumping back against the couch, I let out a groan.
I’m starting to feel bipolar. All these emotions are giving me freaking whiplash.
As soon as I shut the security door behind us, Alexei begins to chuckle, amusement all over his face.
“Don’t,” I mutter, giving him a look of warning.
He arrived at the crack of dawn, and finally, the tension in my chest eased. I’m back in control of his safety, and it makes my world feel balanced again.
“Don’t what?” Alexei asks as he glances over the monitors.
“You know what.”
We sit down, and then Alexei stares at the screen showing the living room. “How’s she doing?”
I look at Ariana where she’s sitting on the couch, her body tense as if she’s ready to bolt up at any second.
“As well as can be expected.”
“What does she know?”
“Everything except that Yuri’s the one who ordered the contract,” I answer.
“What’s her relationship with Yuri like?” Alexei asks as he turns his gaze to me.
“She’s mentioned him a couple of times and wanted to call him after Sergei died. She has no idea he’s behind the hit.”
“Can she handle the news?” he asks, and letting out a sigh, he adds, “The last thing we need is a hysterical woman.”
I shake my head. “Ariana doesn’t get hysterical.” Taking a deep breath, I ask, “How do you want to handle Yuri?”
“I’m hoping for quick and discreetly, but I doubt it’s going to turn out like that,” Alexei mutters. He takes a moment to think. “Yuri won’t back down. He thinks he has all the power, and it will make him blind to the fact that he’s on the losing side of this war.”
Alexei gestures to the screen showing Ariana. “She’s the one with the power.”
I seriously doubt that.
Before I can give my opinion, Alexei continues, “Right before he died, Sergei changed his will. Lucian signed as a witness.” He turns his gaze to me. “Ariana gets everything. Yuri is going to lose his shit when he finds out.”
I stare at Alexei as the news sinks in, then I say, “Ariana can’t run the businesses.” Protectiveness surges through my chest.
“How do you know?”
I turn my gaze back to Ariana. “There’s no reality in which Ariana will be able to kill someone. She won’t be able to control Sergei’s men. They’ll eat her alive.”
“Still, she’s expected to take over,” Alexei mutters, his eyes locked on me. “Unless she puts someone in charge that she trusts.”
I shake my head. “She has no one.”
“You sure about that?” Alexei asks, his eyes sharpening on me.
A dark frown settles on my forehead. “You better not be thinking what I think you’re thinking.”
Alexei just shrugs.
Wanting to stop the direction this conversation is heading in, I rise to my feet. “I’m going to make breakfast.”