Page 27 of Tears of Betrayal
As feisty as she is, she won’t survive a day on her own.
Ariana rubs her cheek against my chest, and it sends a burst of warmth through me. She lets out a soft groan as she starts to wake up, and I drop my hand to my thigh.
I watch as her eyes flutter open, and sleepily she tries to make sense of the position she finds herself in. A second later, her eyes widen, and she jerks away from me. Her gaze snaps up to mine, and then the blush I’m really starting to like creeps up her neck.
“No more nightmares?” I ask.
She shakes her head and then gets up and quickly walks toward the stairs.
I rise to my feet, and stretching my body, I head to the security room. Unlocking my phone, I see a message.
Alexei: Lucian will be in touch soon. Keep your phone on you.
Demitri: Will do.
Tucking the device into the pocket of my cargo pants, I glance at the monitors. The camera in Ariana’s room shows her sitting on the edge of her bed, her hands covering her face.
I turn up the volume and hear her mutter, ‘Seriously? You freaking slept on the man. You need therapy.’
The corner of my mouth lifts as I leave the security room to get some exercise in before taking a shower. Going to my bedroom, I change into a pair of sweatpants, and grabbing my phone and a towel, I head back out.
As I come down the stairs, I hear Ariana in the kitchen. She glances over her shoulder, and for a moment, her eyes widen on my bare chest, but then she mutters, “I’ve seen the shirts in your closet. Wear one.”
“And deprive you of a chance to see all of this?” With a smirk, I wave over my chest and abs. “I told you I’m not a monster.”
“Ugh,” she snorts and then focuses way too hard on the cup of coffee she’s making.
I let out an amused chuckle as I walk to the gym. Setting the phone and towel down on a bench, I begin with pull-ups.
Halfway through my workout, I feel Ariana’s eyes on me, and without glancing behind me, I ask, “Enjoying the view?”
Letting go of the bar, I drop to my feet and look to where she’s leaning against the doorjamb with her arms crossed over her chest.
Before she can say anything, my phone begins to ring. Ariana immediately pushes away from the doorjamb, her eyes following me as I move to the bench to pick up the device. Seeing Lucian’s name flashing on my screen, I answer, “Give me good news.”
“Hold for Sergei.”
It takes a moment before labored breaths come over the line. “Get my… daughter. Put me… on… speaker,” Sergei says weakly.
I do as he orders, then say, “You’re on speaker. Ariana’s here with me.”
Ariana comes to stand right next to me, her eyes locked on the device in my hand.
“Demitri… protect… her… please. No… matter… what it… takes.”
Meaning if it comes to choosing between Yuri and Ariana, Yuri must die.
“I will,” I assure him.
Sergei takes a couple of seconds, then he continues, “Ari…ana.”
“Dad, are you okay?” she asks, concern tensing her voice.
“Trust… Demitri.” His breaths grow more labored. “Only… Alexei… and… Demitri. No… one… else.”
“Dad?” She moves even closer to me and takes hold of my arm as if she’s scared I’ll rip the phone away from her.
“I’m… sorry,” he gasps.
There’s silence, and then Lucian’s voice comes over the line. “Sergei’s unconscious again.”
I turn off the speaker, and pulling Ariana’s hand away from my arm, I put the device to my ear. “How are things there?”
“Fucking tense. Everyone’s waiting for Sergei to die. I’m leaving Russia today. I’m not sticking around for the aftermath.”
“I understand.” Ariana watches me closely. “Thank you for doing this for us.”
I end the call, and then my eyes lock with Ariana’s. When she says nothing, I lift an eyebrow at her.
She quickly crosses her arms over her chest. “I’m not apologizing just because you were telling the truth. How was I supposed to know you’re not some deranged man kidnapping me for a ransom?”
The corner of my mouth begins to lift.
“And my dad telling me I can trust you doesn’t make you any less of a jerk.”
She’s probably throwing up her defenses because she hasn’t processed the fact that she can trust me.
“Hmm,” the sound comes from deep in my throat. “Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, Malyshka. Fact is, I saved your life.”
Ariana lets out a huff and begins to walk to the doorway, then she suddenly pauses, and without looking at me, she mutters, “I guess I owe you a thank you… so… ah… thanks.”
“You’re welcome.” Letting out a chuckle, I pick up the phone again and dial Alexei’s number.
He answers immediately, “Did you hear from Sergei?”