Page 19 of That Alien Feeling (Calluvia's Royalty 1)
Harry pressed his hands to his temples and closed his eyes, concentrating on rebuilding his mental shields.
He went rigid when he realized that something was wrong in his mind. Something was missing. His bond. His bond to Leylen’shni’gul was gone, every faint remnant of it.
But that wasn’t all. His senses had never been so strong. He could hear better. He could hear even Adam’s steady breaths in the other room.
A longing hit him so strongly Harry shuddered. He had to get to Adam. He needed Adam.
Harry rolled out of the bed and stumbled out of his room. He stopped a few times, taken aback by how acutely and vividly he could feel the cold floor under his bare feet. Everything seemed more vivid: the sensations, the smells, the sounds—the strange hunger inside him.
Shivering, Harry pushed Adam’s door open and walked to his bed. It should have been impossible to see so clearly in the dark, but, to Harry’s confusion, he could see pretty well.
Adam was sleeping on his back, his long, muscular chest rising and falling steadily.
He was half-naked.
Harry wasn’t sure why he was so fixated on that fact, but suddenly that was all he could think about as he stared at Adam. He needed—he needed something. He wanted something. He wanted to get naked, climb into Adam’s bed and rub his bare skin against Adam’s.
Harry swallowed, confused and scandalized by his thoughts but unable to stop them. He felt a strange pleasant sort of dizziness again, and then a heavy ache in his lower body.
Adam’s sleepy, hoarse voice did weird things to him.
“Yeah, it’s me,” Harry managed. His own voice sounded odd, thick and breathless.
Adam sat up, squinting at him in the darkness. “What’s wrong? What are you doing here?”
“I...” Harry said. “I needed to see you.”
“In the middle of the night?” Adam said, reaching out to the bedside lamp. When the soft light illuminated the room, Adam kept his eyes on Harry’s face, carefully avoiding looking at his body.
Harry breathed in and breathed out deeply, trying and failing to make sense of the changes in his body. At least he had managed to get control over his telepathy, but it was small comfort when his entire body seemed to be put wrong.
“I think... I think I’m sick,” Harry croaked out. Maybe he had really caught some alien bug after all.
“What?” Adam was by his side immediately, his hand on Harry’s forehead. “You’re a little warm,” he said, frowning. His long fingers stroked Harry’s cheek.
Harry shivered, a strange sensation coursing through his body. The throbbing ache in his lower half intensified. Harry let out a small sound when Adam’s finger brushed his ear.
“You’re trembling,” Adam said. His other hand cupped Harry’s cheek.
Harry leaned into Adam’s touch. He missed Adam’s hands. He wanted Adam to touch him all the time.
Harry whimpered, pressing his face into Adam’s chest and nuzzling into it. Babe. He was Adam’s babe. “Yeah,” he murmured, wrapping his arms tightly around Adam. It felt so good, but the ache in his lower body actually increased, becoming nearly unbearable. “I need you.”
“Fuck,” Adam said. “Haz—you’re hard.”
Harry opened his eyes and blinked. What?
Looking down, Harry stared.
His underwear was tented. His cock was erect.
That wasn’t all. His briefs felt a little sticky. Something—some sort of slick—was leaking out of his hole.
It... it had never happened to him before. Of course Harry knew what it meant, but it shouldn’t have happened. It shouldn’t have been possible.
But it was useless to deny it: this was sexual attraction. Arousal. His body wanted sex. His body wanted Adam. It should have been impossible. He wasn’t bonded to Adam.
No, he wasn’t bonded to anyone. He had forgotten about it. His bond was gone. With the bond broken, this was probably normal. Probably. He wasn’t sure.
“Harry,” Adam said roughly. His face was suddenly so close. His lips ghosted over the corner of Harry’s mouth, just the faintest, briefest, most maddening brush of lips—and his breath was sharp and hot, and his hands were trembling a little as they fluttered across Harry’s back, as if he wasn’t sure. Harry let out a sound, a helpless, desperate, choking sort of plea, because he needed him closer—and Adam was suddenly there, his hips pressed against Harry’s, and his body felt long and hard and perfect—right there.
Adam’s breathing was ragged. “Go now if you don’t want this.” Adam’s lips brushed against his earlobe, and Harry whined quietly, digging his nails into Adam’s shoulder blades. He wanted Adam closer, tighter, he wanted more. He was struck by a sudden need to know what Adam’s mouth would taste like.
Adam let out a pained, low sound and dragged his lips across Harry’s jawline. His mouth was so close. “Are you sure, babe?”
Harry wasn’t sure of anything, but he wanted this hungry ache to go away and he had a feeling only Adam could sate it.