Page 11 of Just a Bit Wicked (Straight Guys 7)
Sebastian sighed inwardly. Why couldn’t bullies look as ugly as they were on the inside?
“What are you doing here?” Vlad said, finally turning his head. His jaw was clenched so tight a muscle pulsed at his cheek. Blue eyes glared at him.
Goosebumps ran up his spine, but Sebastian ignored his nerves and smiled lazily. “I’m a guest. What about you? I’m surprised you’re at a party like this. Aren’t you afraid to catch gay cooties?”
Vlad’s face didn’t change, but Sebastian didn’t miss the way his hand balled into a fist in his pocket.
“I’m working,” Vlad ground out, jerking his head to the side, toward the pretty, petite young man talking with the engaged couple. “His bodyguard.”
Sebastian raised his eyebrows, surprised. “Luke Whitford’s? But he’s gay.”
“Don’t tell me you two are best friends or something.”
Sebastian laughed. The guy’s obvious worry was hilarious. “Not really,” he said. “We know each other, though. He’s more of a friend of a friend.” He thought for a moment, pondering why Luke would even need a bodyguard. “Is it about the murders? A bit counterproductive to hire a homophobe to protect a gay man from other homophobes.”
Vlad glared at him. “Thinking that fucking men is gross isn’t the same as wanting them dead.”
“Gross, huh?” Sebastian smiled and took a sip from his champagne, looking at Vlad over the rim of the glass. He swallowed the liquid and Vlad’s gaze flicked to his working throat.
This was fun.
Ignoring the unsure voice in the back of his head that kept telling him he was playing with fire, Sebastian let his gaze wander all over Vlad’s wide, muscular chest. He didn’t try to be subtle. Being subtle wasn’t the aim here.
“Stop that,” Vlad said, his face turning a little red and his eyes glinting murderously.
Sebastian blinked and smiled innocently. “Stop what?”
“Look,” Vlad gritted out, as though every word pained him. He grabbed a drink from the passing waiter and downed it in one go. “I’m not a fag.”
Sebastian chuckled. “I’m aware you aren’t a cigarette, mate.”
If looks could kill, he would be dead twice over. “Don’t get cute with me.”
Sebastian grinned and crossed his legs, cocking his hip a little. “I’m always cute,” he murmured, licking his lip and looking Vlad in the eye. “Don’t you think?”
“I’m not a fag,” Vlad repeated flatly, holding Sebastian’s gaze. “Don’t get some ideas just because I fucked your mouth once.”
Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, a little surprised. He hadn’t expected Vlad to acknowledge aloud what had happened at all.
“Okay,” Sebastian said. When Vlad gave him a suspicious, narrow-eyed look, Sebastian murmured, “Nice cock, though. I enjoyed it a lot.” And he sauntered away, smiling to himself. He did enjoy messing with bullies’ poor little brains. Vlad’s face had been priceless.
* * *
Vlad hadn’t intended to drink here. Roman would have his hide if he found out Vlad was less than sober while he was bodyguarding Luke. Granted, a glass of champagne wasn’t even going to get him tipsy, but still. It didn’t sit well with him that he could be so easily driven to alcohol.
Vlad went to the bar and asked for a glass of water. Downing it in one go, he leaned against the bar and swept his gaze around the club, looking for anything unusual, anyone who looked out of place.
The problem was, it was too damn dark and crowded in the club, the atmosphere getting rowdy as the guests’ inhibitions were loosened by alcohol. The dance floor, which was empty at the beginning of the evening, was now crowded, music blasting at full volume. It wasn’t much of an engagement party anymore, just a crowd of tipsy celebrities and businessmen grinding against each other.
Vlad’s gaze skimmed over the dance floor before halting on the figure in the middle of it. Sebastian Sumner had his eyes closed as his hips swayed to the rhythmic beat. His black shirt was unbuttoned almost to his belly button, revealing his toned pecs and stomach. His head was thrown back against the shoulder of a tall, beefy man, and his arm was wrapped around the waist of a pretty blond woman in front of him.
Vlad’s lips thinned as he watched them, watched Sebastian’s wide mouth grin obscenely while the man and the woman sandwiched him between them.
Dragging his gaze away, Vlad returned it to where Luke had been sitting a few moments ago. He tensed when he saw that the table was empty. Where had the kid gone?
After fifteen minutes of fruitless searching all over the dance floor, Vlad’s mild annoyance turned into full-blown anxiety. Luke wasn’t answering his mobile phone, either.
Only when he was certain that Luke wasn’t anywhere in the crowded room, Vlad went to search the rest of the club.
It was one of those pretentious luxury clubs with too many restrooms, terraces and private rooms—a nightmare when one was trying to find someone. With every passing minute, his concern grew. He was going to fucking kill the kid himself if he’d gotten into trouble. Luke had been supposed to warn Vlad if he wanted to go somewhere.