Page 29 of Just a Bit Confusing (Straight Guys 5)
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
Ryan calls you whatever he wants.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
You’re not my best mate.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
I’m wounded. I’ve actually known you longer—since before either of us could walk! We’ve been in Oxford together! I’ll go cry into my pillow now.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
That emoticon looks just like you. You were such a crybaby. Still are.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
Fuck off, Grayson. And don’t think I’ve forgotten what we were talking about.
So let me get it straight:
Yesterday Ryan broke up with his girlfriend after you told him it wasn’t working and you wanted to end your epic “friendship.” Ryan told you in no uncertain terms there could never be anything between you, because he was straighter than an arrow. Then you two got drunk and you sucked him off.
Is that right?
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
Pretty much. And stop putting our friendship into quotes.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
I’ll stop putting it into quotes when your “friendship” starts being a friendship. Usually a man doesn’t fucking break up with the woman he loves for his best friend, Jimmy. Anyway, what happened after the blowjob?
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
We were drunk. I passed out. When I woke up this morning, he was still out. I went home.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
You haven’t talked today at all?
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
I can feel the angst from here.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
Shut it. I feel like shit as it is. What if he hates me now? He was drunk. Maybe I took advantage of him.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
You were drunk, too. Actually, you were probably drunker than him. You’re a lightweight. He can drink like an Irishman.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 9
He is half-Irish.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 9
That explain it. Anyway, keep me updated on any drama. I love drama!
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 10
I’ve seen Ryan this afternoon. He behaved like nothing happened. Looks like he doesn’t remember.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 10
Are you glad or disappointed?
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 10
Not sure. I guess it was just very anticlimactic after I barely slept last night and had almost worked myself into a nervous breakdown.
Anyway, enough about me. Is your dad really sending you to Russia? Are you excited? You must be excited.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 10
Ugh, don’t remind me.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 10
Why not? If he’s finally trusting you to manage one of his companies, it’s a big deal. You’ve wanted it since forever!
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 10
He isn’t sending me to Moscow so I can managed his business in Russia. He’s sending me there just to attend some stupid PR events and meaningless meetings in his stead.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 10
That sucks.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 10
I wish my dad was more like yours. Arthur lets you actually use your brain.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 10
Yeah, and the ironic thing is you have great business instincts while I have none. Dad doesn’t say anything, but I can see his disappointment every time I make a wrong decision and he has to correct me.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 10
Woe is you. At least your dad won’t literally kill you when he finds out about your sexuality. Mine actually might.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 10
You mean what they say about your dad isn’t just a nasty rumor?
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 10
Do you think just because I’m his son I know anything? He doesn’t trust me.
I’ve got to go now. Keep me updated on the Ryan situation.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 10
There is no Ryan situation.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 10
Sure there isn’t.
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 12
I sucked him off again.
From: Luke Whitford
To: James Grayson
Dec 12
What? Details, mate! Were you drunk again?
From: James Grayson
To: Luke Whitford
Dec 12
We weren’t drunk. It was a normal evening. We were just hanging out, played some video games, had a pizza—you know, all the normal things. And then…then I was on my knees again. Honestly, I don’t know how it happened! He didn’t say a word. We looked at each other and I just dropped to my knees in front of him. And he let me. He let me, Luke! I know we should have talked first, should have said something, but I couldn’t. I was scared to freak him out. I could feel how tense he was. He just stared at me hard, his face totally impossible to read. So I went for it. Fuck, it was the hottest thing I’ve ever done. Now I understand why people say that sex is better with someone you love. I’d never understood those people who raved about sucking dick, but Jesus, I could spend days sucking Ryan’s. And he got really rough, you know. Like, he fucked my mouth, not just passively allowed me to blow him.