Page 6 of Just a Bit Obsessed (Straight Guys 2)
“Whatever.” Shawn patted him on the shoulder. “I’m glad you’re over your little crush. Crushing on straight guys is never a good idea.”
Christian nodded, deciding not to tell Shawn he wasn’t entirely sure about the straight part. He couldn’t prove it, of course. Alexander could well be completely straight, and his own attraction to the guy might be clouding his judgment. And even if Alexander had really been a bit attracted to him, it would be hardly something surprising. Christian was neither blind nor naive. He knew he had a certain effect on people; even totally straight men often stared at him when he smiled. It was kind of amusing, and Christian wasn’t ashamed to use it when needed. Hey, it wasn’t his fault that most people liked him!
Though he was pretty sure Alexander Sheldon didn’t like him at all.
Christian looked at Alexander again. He still stood alone, glancing at his watch from time to time. He was clearly waiting for Mila.
“I’ll go say hi,” Christian said. “It would be rude not to, right?”
“Chris,” Shawn said, clear disapproval in his voice.
Christian grinned at his friend. “What? I’m bored! Go make out with Professor Rutledge while I’m gone.”
“Hush!” Shawn hissed, glancing around. He looked adorably flustered.
Shaking his head with a smile, Christian walked away. He would never understand how his friend ended up having an affair with the most hated, nastiest professor in their college, but whatever. He wasn’t one to judge.
“Hey, Chris!” some girl said.
“Hey,” he muttered with a smile and walked faster, hoping he looked busy enough so she wouldn’t try to talk to him. She looked like a nice girl, but he wasn’t sure he remembered her name. His memory was pretty crappy, to be honest, and he knew a lot of people.
“Hey, Christian!”
“Hi, Chris!”
“Hey!” he said, smiling some more and walking even faster. His eyes were on Alexander, so he could see the moment the guy noticed him. His face betrayed nothing, but something changed in Alexander’s posture; Christian couldn’t quite put his finger on it.
“Hey,” Christian said, coming to a halt very close to him. He could feel that Alexander didn’t appreciate his personal space being invaded, but his face remained calm. Of course it remained calm.
“Hello,” Alexander said, giving him a cool look.
“Waiting for Mila?”
Alexander nodded and didn’t say anything.
“It’s a small world, isn’t it?” Christian said, slinging his arm around the guy’s shoulders, as though they were old buddies.
Yes, that was it: he could feel Alexander’s body stiffen with tension.
His face blank, Alexander looked straight in front of him. “Don’t think so. You go to this college.” His voice was so cold that even the air between them seemed to become colder.
“I have a strange feeling you don’t like me,” Christian said, with a mock-hurt in his voice.
Alexander turned his head to him.
Christian licked his lips. Fuck. Those eyes were ridiculously blue. Almost violet.
“Don’t you know the meaning of personal space?” Alexander said, irritation lacing his voice.
“What personal space?” Christian said with a teasing smile. He let his hand move a little, brushing the back of Alexander’s neck, touching the warm skin there.
“Precisely,” Alexander said, the tension in his body growing. “What are you playing at?”
Christian adopted a look of innocence, his blunt nails digging into Alexander’s skin just below his nape. “I’ve no idea what you mean.”
Alexander gave him a glare, his calm mask slipping.
Christian felt a thrill run through his body. He looked at Alexander from under his eyelashes and smiled.
“You’re so gay,” Alexander said after a moment.
“Thanks,” Christian said, holding his gaze.
Alexander laughed shortly, shaking his head. “Stop doing this. It doesn’t work on me.”
“This. Flirting. Messing with my head. Whatever you’re doing.”
Christian laughed. “You think I’m flirting with you? Someone has a big head, methinks.”
Alexander put his hands into the pockets of his pants. “I wasn’t born yesterday. You’re bi, and you give me all these—all these looks. Sorry, I’m not interested.”
“Yup, definitely a big head.” Christian smiled. “Sorry to disappoint you, but I ‘flirt’ with everyone. It’s just how I roll. Not all of us are grumpy cold bores. You haven’t seen me really flirt.”
Alexander shot him a skeptical look.
Christian nodded, mock-serious. “I know: it’s hard to accept you’re not special.”
“And I guess you grope everyone too?”
“What can I say, I’m a touchy-feely guy.” Christian’s fingers stroked Alexander’s neck. “And this? This is not groping.”
“Then what is this?” Alexander practically gritted the words out.
Christian leaned in until their lips were inches away. “This is me messing with you,” he whispered. He almost brushed his lips against Alexander’s. Almost. He felt Alexander’s body tense like a string ready to snap.
Christian stepped back, a little breathless, and winked at him. “Tell Mila I said hi.”
Chapter 4
Stretched out on the bed, Alexander watched Mila brush her hair before bed. She was wearing only her panties, so he eyed her curves appreciatively.