Page 11 of Just a Bit Obsessed (Straight Guys 2)
Alexander stared at the big hands on Christian’s hips as Christian moved, grinding back against the other guy, his head on the guy’s shoulder, his eyes closed and lips parted. The guy was watching him hungrily, his hands moving to slide under Christian’s T-shirt.
Alexander set his beer down. “Let’s go say hi.”
“You can’t be serious!” Mila said. “Christian wouldn’t be happy. I’m sure they don’t want to be interrupted!”
“Come on,” Alexander said, catching Mila’s wrist and practically dragging her towards the couple.
He ignored her protests, pushing through the crowd.
When they reached their destination, Alexander grabbed Christian’s arm—just to get his attention, of course.
Christian’s eyes flew open and he blinked dazedly a few times before his gaze focused on Alexander. Then a slow, radiant smile lit his face. His lips formed a word, but the music was too loud for Alexander to hear it. Christian pulled away from his dancing partner and practically fell against Alexander. “Hey!” he yelled happily.
That was when Alexander realized Christian was drunk. He had to wrap his arm around the guy’s waist to steady him. “You’re drunk.”
Looping an arm around his neck, Christian shook his head. “Just tipsy.”
Alexander snorted and looked at the other guy—who was glaring daggers at him.
“Get lost,” Alexander said. “He’s too drunk to put out.”
Huffing in annoyance, the guy disappeared in the crowd.
“I’m never too drunk to put out,” Christian announced into his ear.
Alexander grimaced. “You’re definitely too drunk to drive. How did you get here?”
There was a pause. “I dunno. I think I walked.”
“You think?” Alexander said. “How are you going to get home?”
Christian pressed his nose against his ear. “Don’t wanna go home. Wanna fuck.”
“Really,” Alexander said flatly. “I thought you declined Mila’s invitation because you didn’t want sex.”
“Don’t want a girl,” Christian’s murmured into his ear. “Want a man. Wanna be held down and fucked.”
Alexander swallowed. Meeting Mila’s concerned gaze, he flinched, though there was no way she could have heard it. And even if she could, he had no reason to feel guilty. He wasn’t responsible for what Christian was babbling about.
Alexander cleared his throat. “We’ll take you home. You need to sleep it off.” Gesturing Mila to follow, Alexander half-carried, half-dragged Christian off the dance floor.
“Where are we going?” Christian said once they got their jackets and went outside into the December night.
It was cold and damp but not windy.
“Where do you live?”
After a moment, Christian told him his address.
“That’s where we’re going, then,” Alexander said, pushing him towards his car.
“Hey, easy there!” Christian said, stumbling. “My legs are kinda funny.”
“You were fine enough when you were humping that guy on the dance floor.”
“You sound angry, Alec,” Christian said, turning and winking at him. Apparently he wasn’t too drunk for his silly flirting.
“I’m not angry,” Alexander said, grabbing Christian when he stumbled again. “I’m annoyed. Babysitting you wasn’t on my to-do list tonight.”
“Don’t be so hard on him, honey.”
Startled, Alexander turned his head. He had completely forgotten about Mila.
She lengthened her strides to catch up. “If anything, you should be the one apologizing to Christian for cock-blocking him.”
“I did no such thing,” Alexander said, opening his car and shoving Christian into the passenger seat.
“You did,” Christian muttered.
“You did,” Mila said, climbing into the back seat.
“He’s wasted.” Alexander got into his seat, buckled Christian up, fastened his own belt, and started the engine. “Who knows what the guy would have done to him.”
Christian started laughing—or rather, giggling drunkenly. “Aw, you’re so sweet.”
Alexander leveled him with a look.
Christian blew him a kiss.
Gritting his teeth, Alexander looked back at the street.
He felt Christian’s gaze on him.
“This is so odd,” Christian said, sounding confused. “You’re sweet, but you look very sour. Odd.”
“Anyone ever tell you you’re a terrible drunk?” Alexander said, ignoring Mila’s laughter from the backseat.
“No,” Christian said after a moment.
“You’re a terrible drunk.”
“Am not. I’m an awesome drunk! I sober up pretty fast.”
“That’s not exactly what I meant.”
“You’re mean. You look so nice, but you’re so mean.”
“You just said I was sweet.”
“I never said that!”
Alexander laughed. “You’re kind of ridiculous.”
“And you’re a jerk.”
“And you’re annoying.”
“Nice,” Mila said, chuckling. “Kindergarten insults. What’s next, guys?”
“He started it!” Christian said with a pout in his voice. “I really, really don’t like your boyfriend. I don’t know how you put up with him. Or why.”
“He has his moments,” Mila said. “Besides, he has a great dick.”
That silenced Christian. For a moment.
“I guess,” he mumbled reluctantly. “Though big dicks can be pretty uncomfortable when the guy doesn’t know how to use it. But I guess he—”
“He is right here,” Alexander said, looking in front of him. “And he really would like the two of you to stop discussing his dick.”
“Spoilsport,” Mila said.
“Bore,” Christian said.
Mila laughed a little. “I hope you aren’t too pissed at Alexander. That guy was very handsome.”
“Yeah. He had nice eyes. So blue. Pity.”