Page 51 of Tell Me You Want Me
“I was able to pull some strings,” I tell him.
“Have you gotten any pushback from investors? Any concerned calls?”
“A few.” My brow pinches at remembering the early calls and emails this morning, wanting to know whether or not the deals would still be going through. “As far as I know, everyone is satisfied.”
“Excellent. I know this isn’t ideal, but this is manageable. I do, however, recommend not signing any contracts of that magnitude until the lawyers have approved. I spoke with Carly and she told me she had not finished negotiations.”
I can only nod, remembering how light I felt, signing that contract … with Suzette on my mind. With Wyatt’s approval, about her. Coming to terms with how I’d fallen for her.
“I was distracted,” I admit to him.
“Whatever it was, see to it that this doesn’t happen again. There’s only so much we can do and next time it may not be salvageable.”
The knock at my door is hesitant and then Andrea opens it without waiting for a response. It comes at the same time that a text comes through.
“Not now,” I tell Andrea who nods and closes the door softly.
I thought it would be my father, but it’s Suzette.
I want you. I love you for you. I don’t need your money, and I wouldn’t think less of you if you weren’t in the position you’re in.
As if this day could get any harder. I know she loves me. And I’m going to prove to her that I love her back. Words aren’t enough.
“It will be tight for a few months unless something breaks. We can file for a few extensions. It will get you through and we can keep it discreet, but you do not have leverage to spend for the time being.”
“I understand.” A heat tingles the back of my neck. This position I’m in is less than ideal. I can’t blame Wyatt. The blame squarely falls on my shoulders.
Sean twists the knife even more. “For all intents and purposes, you are broke.”
“I know, Sean. I know what it means.”
There’s another knock on my door, more forceful than before.
“Mr. Bradford,” Andrea speaks up and her tone makes it evident that whatever it is, it needs to be said now.
“I’ll call you back shortly,” I tell Sean and hang up before he can respond as Andrea walks in. The door closes behind her. Dressed in loose gray pants and a billowy white top, she’s nothing but professional.
“What is it?” I question.
“I made a mistake,” she tells me, not taking the seat she stands behind.
“We all do,” I say, attempting to ease any worries she has, but her expression doesn’t appear to reflect that. There’s not a worry line in sight.
“The error in the contract with Mr. Wyatt Patton’s—” she starts.
I still, my blood going cold. “What about it? What error?”
“I sent in half of the contract signed, but the second half … Somehow,” she says and gestures in the air, a shrug rolling from her shoulders, “I faxed it over unsigned.” Her lips quirk up at the end. As if she knows.
Of course she does.
“Andrea.” My head falls into my hands for only a moment, the relief waning as if this isn’t real. “Could you repeat that, please.” I swallow thickly, praying that what I heard her say is exactly what she did say.
“From what I can tell,” she tells me, now taking the seat slowly, “I must have had some questions and somehow I mixed up the paperwork.”
“I have to call my lawyer,” I tell her, still in a state of disbelief, my hands nearly trembling. If she’s serious, if she didn’t send it … It’s twenty million that she saved me.
“I thought you might say that.” She pats the desk before standing. “She distracts you, but like I’ve always told you, I’ve got your back.”
“I could kiss you—”
“Please don’t,” she says jokingly.
“I don’t know how to repay you,” I tell her softly before she can leave, still not truly believing. Not until I see it myself and not until it’s confirmed.
I don’t think I’ve ever been so nervous for a dinner date. This man has fucked every part of me, he’s seen me break down and punished me in ways a younger me wouldn’t understand.
He knows me and every inch of me. And that’s what scares me. He could crush me so very easily and it would take far more than a bottle of rosé at Maddie’s to get over him.
In the back of his car, with Adrian’s driver taking me through the city, I sit alone. According to Noah, he’s to take me to dinner and Adrian is meeting me there.
I play it off as if I’m not nervous at all. As if tonight doesn’t feel different. As if that’s a perfectly normal thing to happen. It’s a perfect New York City evening. The sunset is a watercolor painting above the buildings, slowly growing darker as the few stars we can see appear high above us.