Page 2 of Tell Me You Want Me
I have to have her at least once more. One more time where she’s mine. Where we have this … before I lose it all when the sun rises.
Five months earlier
* * *
My polished oxfords smack on the sleek marble tile. The floors are the only thing that look expensive in the foyer of this building. It’s old and dated just like their business practices. But that’s all about to change now that I’m in charge.
Although I keep my expression neutral, maybe cold, as I make my way to the elevator and then to the top floor where the conference room is located, I smirk to myself as I hear the soft whispers and see the secretaries huddling together.
They know who I am. Everyone who’s anyone does.
Asshole. Prick. Hell, I’ve even been called a villain. And I couldn’t care less.
I pull at the sleeves to my suit and fix my cuff links before opening the glass door. A dozen people instantly still as I walk into the room, one swivel chair squeaking as everyone goes silent. The conference room smells like the lemon polish the cleaners use on the large oval mahogany table.
That’ll be the first thing to replace. The table needs to be glass so I can monitor their body language with every meeting. My father says I was blessed with two gifts: reading people and placing bets. As a gambling man with a head for stocks and companies, I know damn well he was right. And I’ve left a sea of people who hate me for it in my wake.
I didn’t get to where I am by being nice.
I’m the boss, the CEO, the owner of whatever I want. And right now, that includes every person in this building. Straightening my tie, I remind myself I’ll have to cull the herd sooner, rather than later. For the sake of both profits and efficiency. The numbers never lie; people always do, though.
“Good afternoon,” I say, greeting them as Mr. Holt stands from his spot just to the right of the head of the table, which is empty. No one’s seated there because it’s reserved for me.
“Mr. Bradford, it’s nice to see you again,” Jonathan Holt says as he shakes my hand. He’s the former owner and now a wealthy man.
A nondisclosure agreement was signed. No one knew I’ve been the acting CEO for the last quarter. Every email, every camera feed, every contract and meeting was passed through my team. They had a quarter to prove to me this company is worth salvaging.
Not that Holt gave a fuck. He was getting paid regardless. With a tailored gray suit and fresh shave, he’s already a lighter, wealthier man than he was when I first met him six months ago to negotiate this deal.
As my eyes skim across each of the members I’ve invited for this meeting, half likely to stay, half likely to leave, a gorgeous woman catches my interest. She’s in a skintight, bloodred dress that matches her perfectly manicured nails. I’ve seen her wear it before, if I’m not mistaken. Twice, and this makes the third. The third time is the charm.
I already know who she is before she dares to stare back at me with an openly hateful look.
Suzette Parks. Passionate. Dedicated. And hot as hell. I can’t help the smirk that slips into place when she meets my gaze directly, daring me to call her out. I’ve witnessed her lose her patience, all alone in her office, on the brink of losing it. Entertaining isn’t enough of a description. I wanted nothing more than to push her against the wall and fuck the frustration out of her. My cock stirs just thinking about how her nails would dig into my back. She’s wound tight but not easily shaken. No matter what happens to this company, I’ll be damn sure to keep stock of my little vixen.
She’s the first to back down and break eye contact. At the same time, the door closes behind me thanks to Mr. Holt, and it signals the beginning of the meeting.
My smile widens and I cover it with my fist, clearing my throat and getting a grip. I knew she’d distract me, I knew she’d get under my skin but I wasn’t prepared to be this … off-balance.
I begin, still standing, and Mr. Holt follows suit. He nearly takes his seat but stands upright when I speak. “I’ll make this short. Last quarter was unimpressive and changes will be drastic. That will include layoffs and budget cuts, but is not limited to other necessities. I will rely on each of you selected from your teams for this advertising management firm.” I meet all eleven of them eye to eye as I speak. Noting which ones nod, and which ones tense up. I’m not surprised in the least until I get to Ms. Parks, who doesn’t bother to peer up. As I speak, her attention is on the pen in her hand. It’s an ink pen with a sleek silver body and it silently taps against her leatherbound book. No notes are being taken.