Page 91 of Tyrant Stalker (Tyrant Dynasty 2)
"No, you don't," I mutter, bumping my shoulder into his, hard, as I make my way away from Dove.
"You need to stay away from her."
"You need to shut your mouth before it gets you in trouble," I hiss.
He grabs me by the shoulder. He may be bigger and broader but I'm fast, and I've been defending myself my whole life. I slam Raphael against the wall of Dove's house, not giving a shit.
"Don't fucking touch me," I snarl at him. "And... take care of little bird."
The guy knits his brows together. "We finally getting rid of you?"
I don't answer him, just slam him against the wall again and snarl at him like a wild dog.
"Don't come back here again," Raphael calls out after me. "If you know what's good for you."
I smirk as I put more and more distance between myself and my woman.
I never was very good at following orders. But I'll give Dove the space she needs to heal.
For now.
Chapter 36
"How does that make you feel?"
I fidget with the hem of my dress. I'm not wearing leggings or tights underneath it today, and the dress hits the top of my thighs, exposing minimal scarring. I feel confident, though. When a woman stared me down on the street, I stared right back. I'm not letting anyone intimidate me anymore. I've been through enough to know I'm strong enough to fight back.
She looked away, and I kept walking with my head held high until I reached the offices of Dr. Christensen. This is my third visit, and Dr. Christensen says I've already made progress on my journey. That's what he calls this path of healing – a journey.
I shrug. "I don't know. She seemed to be judging me and that hurt. I felt like... I felt like my mother was watching me."
"Does your mother judge you?"
I laugh bitterly. "Always and forever."
"Is that why you've cut off contact with her for the most part?"
Dr. Blake Christensen must be my age, or a little older. He must be fresh out of medical school. His diplomas line the walls in his office. He's handsome – someone my mother would adore. She'd love it if I brought a guy like him home. Educated, probably loaded. But I have no interest in him, and he's been nothing but professional, focused on getting me to a better place.
"Yes," I finally nod. "She was always a negative influence in my life. Toxic. She's a narcissist for sure."
The doctor chuckles, writing something down in his pad. "I see we've reached the same conclusion, Dove."
I manage a weak smile as he leans forward, watching me closely. "Our time is almost up, but I'd love to know more about your relationship with your brother."
Instantly, I look away. I fumble to find my purse and my jacket, not meeting the doctor's gaze. "I should go. I'm meeting Raphael after this."
"Alright," Dr. Christensen says softly. "But one day, we'll have to talk about Robin, Dove."
"Not today," I cut him off sharply, then take a breath of air, filling my lungs. "Not today, please."
Christensen nods and walks me to the door, offering an encouraging smile. "I'll see you next week, Dove."
"You will," I reply, managing a smile as I leave his office.
Raphael is already waiting outside, his wide grin making me feel guilty as fuck. "How'd it go?"
"Okay," I mutter. "As usual."
He doesn't pry. "Want to get some food?"
I nod eagerly. Since Nox's cruel and vicious therapy, my appetite is back with a vengeance. Of course I'm still watching what I eat, but at least I'm not being as paranoid about it as I used to be.
We get an Uber downtown to grab sushi at one of our favorite places. While we wait for a table at the bar, I catch Raphael looking at me and laugh nervously, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
"No," he grins. "You just look... different than when I first met you."
I cock my head to the side. "Happier?"
"I'm not sure," Raphael admits. "But definitely more confident. Like you're ready to take on the world."
"Thanks." I manage a smile before the hostess shows us to our table. Raphael puts in our order, remembering what I like perfectly, but once again, my smile is weakened by my heavy heart.
"It's good to see you eating," he interjects our small talk later, while we eat. "So good. I'm so proud of you, Dove."
I nod. "You've helped a lot."
He disregards my lie and digs in his pocket, handing me a key. "I want you to have this."
"What is it?"
"A key to my apartment." He opens my palm and places the key inside it. "I want you to move in with me, Dove."
The moments those words leave his lips I feel all the air leave my body as if I've been sucker-punched. It instantly feels like a betrayal. All I can do is imagine how pissed Nox would be about this. I can't do it.