Page 45 of Tyrant Stalker (Tyrant Dynasty 2)
"I did this to you," he says. "It's beautiful. Maybe I'll add more."
"Don't, you sick –"
"Shut up." The hand is back, a silent warning hanging in the air, forever reminding me I'm at his mercy now. "You don't talk back to me. You try that again, you get fucking punished. Stand up against the wall. Back to the bricks, right the fuck now."
I obey him because I can't help myself. I flatten my back against the brick, eyes silently begging him to stop, even though we both know he won't. I don't know if this is real. It has to be a nightmare. There's just no fucking way Parker is actually here.
But he ends that little fantasy as he tells me to spread my legs. The hand rises again, and I obey, too afraid of what will happen if I don't. I know full well what he's capable of. I still bear the scars of his anger.
"That's right," he mutters as he slaps my thighs apart further. "I bet you're fucking wet already, aren't you?"
"No." I glare at him, closing my eyes tightly when he pushes his hand between my legs. Fuck. Fuck. God. This can't be happening. This. Can't. Be. Real.
"Let's see how big of a liar you are." With one easy motion, he snaps my panties away from my body. I'm exposed to him now. He hitches up my dress, prolonging the moment he'll feel for my arousal. But then he does. Finally. I'm almost relieved when I hear his dark chuckle in my ear. "You lied, Dove. So many lies. You're gonna have to get out of that habit. Or maybe I'll break it for you."
"Fuck you."
"You will," he replies easily. "Soon enough, you will. Now let's see..."
His fingers probe between my legs, smearing my wetness all over my thighs.
"Please stop," I whisper weakly, even though we both know it won't do any good. I can't resist this man. I never fucking could. "Please. We can end this right now. Nobody has to know. I won't tell anyone. Please."
"You better beg for something better," he tells me, pulling his fingers away from my exposed pussy and bringing them to his lips. He sucks them clean, the sound obscene, making my cheeks flush hot. "Beg for something I'll actually give you, little slut. Something we both want."
"Please." I can't help begging. A part of me still hopes this is just a sick, awful nightmare I'll wake up from soon. "I won't tell anyone. Just let me go."
"Never." His voice is fierce and sends a shiver of excitement through my body.
"This is a dream," I whisper, barely loud enough for him to hear. "This isn't real. You can't hurt me."
"Wake the fuck up, Dove." He pinches my arm, hard, and I wince. "This isn't a dream. This is real fucking life. Your nightmare's happening, here and now. I'm fucking back."
Our eyes snap to the doorway. Up until now, we were alone in the back alley. But now the door is open, and Raphael is standing there, his troubled expression telling me he's worried about me.
"Everything okay?"
"Everything's fine," Parker calls out. "Dove and I go way back. We were just reminiscing."
"Dove?" Elise appears behind him, wearing a sugary sweet smile. "We were wondering where you went. Come inside for a drink!"
Parker leans against me, painfully squeezing my thigh as he mutters in my ear, "Remember what I told you to do. We're getting the fuck out of here, right now."
I swallow, giving him a barely perceptible nod before turning my fake brave face to the other two.
"I think I'm actually g-going to head home," I manage to get out. "I don't feel so good."
"I'm happy to give you a ride," Parker says.
"I'll handle that," Raphael cuts in. "She came with me."
"But Raphael," Elise pouts. "It's your special night. Do you really want to leave early?"
"I don't mind," he says, his eyes firmly locked with mine. "Come on, Dove. Let me take you home."
Parker peels his back from the wall, coming to stand in front of my date for the night. He gives a lazy smile to the man I came here with. "I said I'd handle it, man. I'm taking her home."
"Thanks, but that won't be necessary," Raphael says firmly.
I can see a fight brewing, so I step forward, awkwardly repositioning my dress and hoping neither Raphael nor Elise have noticed how high up on my thighs it is.
"It's fine. I'll go with Nox tonight, Raphael."
"That's right. We got some catching up to do," he grins at my date. "You and Elise just hang out."
"No, I don't think so," Raphael shakes his head.
Ignoring his words, Parker turns to face me with that wicked smirk of his. "Ready?"
I nod, following him through the alley.
"Dove." Raphael grabs me by the forearm. His fingers dig into my skin, painfully hard. I yelp as I turn to face him. "Wait."