Page 31 of Tyrant Twins (Tyrant Dynasty 1)
This time, I don't fight him. My eyes focus on a crack in the ceiling and I let him do what he wants. When he forces an orgasm from my overstimulated pussy, I cry. Not because I don't want it, but because it feels like an enormous fucking relief to finally let go of all the things that have held me back for almost a decade.
Kade doesn't push me more. He pulls me into his arms, and I cry softly until my tears dry up. I have no idea how long we lie there, how long he holds me for. All I know is, when I open my eyes next, my bed is cold and empty. I'm the only one in the room.
I pull myself up, noticing Kade covered me with a knitted blanket before leaving. The ghost of a smile tugs on my lips as I get dressed, putting a robe over my clothes for warmth. I leave my bedroom, padding down the tiles to the kitchen where I have the shock of my life.
"Parker?" He turns around. It is him. "What are you doing here?"
"Well, your friend Dove got hammered last night." He grins, closing the fridge. "You got anything to eat here other than healthy shit?"
I laugh, motioning for him to follow me. My heart is fucking pounding. Parker doesn't seem to know Kade came home with me last night, and I'm oddly grateful for that. He wouldn't like it, and I don't want to upset him—not when I've finally buried the hatchet with both brothers.
I show him a secret drawer in the pantry that's stocked with every snack imaginable. I hide it from my personal trainer and maids, but the housekeeper has my back. And sometimes, a girl needs a Twinkie at five in the morning. Parker and I settle at the breakfast table, sharing some snacks between us.
"Is Dove okay?" I ask him.
"Just hungover." He shrugs. "She's in the blue guest room. Tell her I said hi when she wakes up."
"You're such a good guy," I mutter, my own guilt tearing me apart. "Thank you for making sure she was okay."
While I was busy letting your brother eat me out, I add in my head, flushing slightly.
"How was your night?" Parker asks next. "Run into anyone? Have some fun?"
I shake my head, and he furrows his brows, making me blush even deeper. "No, nobody."
"Really? Huh." He shrugs. "I heard from my brother last night. He was actually at the same club."
"Was he?" I shrug, feigning ignorance. "Never saw him."
"Weird," Parker mutters. I focus on tearing apart the Twinkie packet while he scrutinizes me with his gaze. "Anyway, unless you need me, I'm gonna get going. Need to check on the twin. I hope he didn't drag some other girl home again."
"Again?" The word escapes me before I can stop myself, and I look up at my stepbrother from the shredded plastic wrapped in my hands. "He does that a lot?"
"Like twice per week." Parker laughs. "He's a womanizer. But it's not like we didn't know that already."
"Right," I whisper, furrowing my brows as Parker gets up. "I'll get a driver to take you home."
"Thanks." He hesitates before leaning forward and chastely kissing me on the cheek. "You're the best."
"Don't mention it." I resist the urge to wipe the spot where he kissed me, feeling disgusted with myself. How can I feel so differently about Kade and Parker when they're identical twins? I can't explain it. "Anything else you need?"
"More of you." Parker grins. "I want to spend more time together."
I smile, and this time, it's genuine. I miss him too. He was my best friend before our lives went to hell, and I do want him back. I just hope he'll be accepting of my relationship with Kade when the time comes to tell him the truth.
"I'd love that. Lunch next week?"
"That'd be great."
We say our goodbyes, and I wave him off through the windows as the driver takes him back home. Once the car turns the corner, my shoulders sag with inexplicable relief.
I don't know what's changed between Parker and me, but the friendship, the love we used to share, has morphed into something different—just like it has with Kade.
But there's no doubt in my mind which one of the twins I want.
Parker never even stood a chance…
I have her attention now. I see June every day. I even skip work just so I can be with her, taste her.
She softens when I touch her, loses herself in my mouth, my want for her. It’s driving me fucking insane because she’s so sweet and innocent, but she still wants me so badly.
I take her to the movies, and I hold her hand when she cries at the sad parts. I buy her popcorn and endure her throwing it at me because her laughter is infectious. I take her to feed the ducks, and I bring a picnic blanket like a total dipshit because it makes her happy. I do all that, and I’d do a thousand other things for her because she’s quickly becoming my everything.