Page 6 of Wild (Diamondback MC 2)
“Going with option B. She was apprehensive when I first found her, guarded, leery, not sure whether she should fight or just let whatever happens happen. That all you got?”
“For now. This was just preliminary. If she gives us more information, I can dive deeper faster. If not, this could take a couple of days.” He slides the folder to me, letting me look at what he has started.
“Thanks. Okay, here’s the shit to it. I’m claimin’ Persephone. Anyone got a problem with it, speak now or forever hold your peace. I know this brings more shit to our table. The Cartel is still blowing in the Goddamn wind, and now this.” I glance around the table. Not a single man is saying dick, just nodding or grunting their okay.
“Then we’re good. You know where I’ll be. Hopefully with some more news.” I’m the first to stand up and leave, and even though the meeting was short and sweet, there’s something sweeter in my room. It’s time I turn on the charm if Persephone is still with Kyle, let her meet his match.
This time when I wake up, there’s a pretty girl sitting where Shovel did earlier. She’s staring down at her laptop, typing away on the keyboard. “Oh good, you’re up. I’m Raven, Razor’s Ol’ Lady. Sorry, Shovel had to have a meeting. He’ll be back soon. Can I get you anything?” I once again have no idea what I’m getting myself into.
“I’m Persephone. It’s nice to meet you. Some water would be awesome, and tell Doc no more pain pills, please. I feel like all I’m doing is sleeping my life away,” I groan.
“No problem. I’ve been where you are. Well, not exactly where you are, and as bad as the pain pills are, they might be necessary. If Doc thinks you’re fine, maybe over-the-counter medicine will work. I’ll be right back.” She closes her laptop, stands up, and scurries out of the room.
“God, I really need to get my act together.” My head tips back on Shovel’s pillow. This time, I don’t close my eyes. I’m not sure how to go about reporting this incident or if it will even do any good. Nothing like going up against a lawyer who has the support of that good old boy network. My dad had that at one time, not in the slimy way, but in that he knew who he could count on. Sadly, when they died, their friends seemed to disappear with them. I thought at least my boss would show some signs of empathy. I was sorely mistaken. Maybe that’s why I held on to Kyle like he was a life raft.
“How ya feelin’, babe?” See, why couldn’t I meet a man like Shovel when my world crumbled?
“I’m feeling better. Raven went to go get me water,” I let him know.
“That’s good. You think you’ll be able to keep somethin’ down afterwards?”
“Yeah, but tell Doc no more pills, please.” There’s no way I survive getting shot—apparently, a through and through six inches away from my heart, to die from becoming an addict.
“No problem. We need to talk, Persephone.” Instead of moving to where Raven was sitting, Shovel sits beside me on the bed. Our hips are touching, and my mind becomes a scrambled mess.
“Words no woman ever wants to hear,” I mumble.
“Heard that. Doc warned me he knew you had some fire in your veins.” That brings a smile to my face because Doc really does seem nice.
“What is there to talk about? If you let me use a phone, I’ll call an Uber and get out of your hair.” Probably not my smartest move, but realizing just how alone I’ve been this past year makes it hard to believe there’s any good left in this world.
“Not happenin’. Diamondback has you protected. Not sure what you’re running from, but you’re right in that no one filed a missing person’s report, and there’s been no talk of anything on the news. You wanna fill me in the blanks, babe?” My fingers trace imaginary lines on the comforter.
“I’d rather not, and it’s great that you want to help, Shovel, really. But I can’t consciously put you in this spot.”
“I’ll give you that play, but you gotta know. Everyone knows what territory this is. You’d been on our road a long time. Someone was sending a message to not only you but the club as well. Now, you wanna eat, walk around a bit, or do you want to get down to brass tacks?” Shovel makes it seem so easy, like unloading this burden isn’t as big as it is.
“Don’t tell me I didn’t warn you. It’s a long story. One where I look like the biggest idiot possible. You have to promise me though, if this gets too big, puts anyone in danger, you let me walk out that door and you don’t find me.” I jut my chin out, letting him know I won’t back down on this.