Page 20 of Wild (Diamondback MC 2)
“Well, I wasn’t going back there, anyway. I do need to turn in my notice at work, and don’t mess with my post orgasmic high with a side of my old man telling me I’m moving in with him.” I’m not ready to let the real world come inside just yet.
“Good, we’re on the same page. Shower and sleep. Then you can wake me up when you’re ready for another round, babe.”
“Well, come on, then, old man. We have plans.” I get off the bed, ready to see what the rest of our night brings.
Eight Weeks Later
We kept waiting to hear from the Cartel all this time now. Nothing, fuckin’ nothing. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. One thing for sure is, we’re out of lockdown. There’s no way I could have kept us away from the world that long. The women were going stir crazy, and no doubt there’d be arguing and bitching galore if that happened. That doesn’t mean when Persephone goes out and into town, she doesn’t have a brother or a prospect on her. Same goes for Raven, and boy does that fire her up.
A knock on my office door clears me from my thoughts of the Cartel and the lack of hearing from Tony. Persephone knows everything that went down, well, not the gruesome way Kyle’s head was sent to Tony, but she knows the more PG-rated version at least.
“Yeah.” I sit back in my chair, watching who’s coming in and what they need now.
“Hey, honey.” Persephone is one of her sundresses that she seems to always wear. Can’t find a pair of damn jeans to save herself, which is a damn requirement when she wants to ride the bike with me. That’s where she and Raven went today, shopping, something about having a fat day or whatever the fuck women call it.
“Babe.” The flare of her dress swishes with every step she takes, giving me a glimpse of more thigh than should be allowed.
“Are you having a good day?” She’s standing to my side, and my hand travels to the outside of her thigh as Persephone cups my cheek.
“Would be better if you gave your man a kiss.” I arch my eyebrow at her. She knows if she’s gone an hour, ten mins, first thing in the mornin’, and before we go to bed, I want her lips on mine.
“Well, you could do the same, you know.” I move her so her ass is planted in my lap, sitting sideways, and those thighs are on perfect display. My mouth meets hers, kissing her until she’s breathless, her nipples are pebbled tightly, and I know if my hands were on her cunt, those barely-there panties of hers would be drenched.
“Cain,” she sighs after our kiss.
“Babe, what’s weighing on your mind?” I can see something’s going on in that brilliant head of hers.
“Well, remember when I was shot?” Damn, but I hate that she still has that reminder permanently branded on her body. Persephone wants a tattoo but can’t settle on a design.
“Yeah, I remember it.” How could I not? Heaven and hell all wrapped up in one. The heaven because she was brought into my life. The hell, well, let’s say that’s pretty easy to see.
“I told you I was on the pill, which I was. Taking them slipped my mind, though, with everything going on, and you didn’t bring them with my toiletry bag until a couple of days later. I took them once you brought them back, not thinking anything of it. Apparently, I’m a fertile myrtle and your swimmers are strong, because that’s all it took. I’m pregnant.” My hand moves from her thigh, pulling up the fabric until I’m cupping her lower stomach.
“Fuck, babe, really?” Shit, I never not expected to have children with her, but it’s not something we’ve talked about a whole lot either.
“Yes. Are you happy? Please tell me you are because I’m so damn excited and, well, that would explain needing the bigger jeans and feeling so bloated,” she rambles. I shut her up the only way I know how, with my mouth on hers, kissing her like there’s not enough air in my lungs.
“I think that tells you just how happy I am about the thought of us bringing a little one into the world.” I thrust my hips up, showing her what a turn-on it is too. “Love you, babe. Don’t ever doubt that. Gonna love our little one too, but if you give me a daughter, we’re trying again for a son to help protect her. Christ, a girl who looks like you, not enough brothers in the MC.” Persephone giggles, settling into me.
“I love you, Cain Abrahams, and I’m so happy you’re happy. But I want more than one child with you. I’m hoping you’ve got enough in you for at least three.” She’s throwing me her attitude.