Page 14 of Wild (Diamondback MC 2)
“Hell, yes.” She holds up her shot glass, we clink them together, and then throw them back, both of us grimacing, reaching for our beers before laughing our asses off.
That’s how Cannon finds us a couple of hours later, a few shots in, same with the beer. He just shakes his head. “You sit tight. Gonna make sure Persephone makes it to her room, and then I’ll do the same with you. Ain’t no way in fuck I’m gonna let you two walk down the hallways sloshed without your men here.” This causes us both to laugh, but I’m already up and out of my seat, swaying.
“Later, babe,” I tell Raven.
“’Night, girlie,” she replies. Cannon’s hand is on my upper back, guiding me to Cain’s room. At least if I don’t have him in bed with me tonight, I’ll be surrounded by him in other ways.
“Thanks, Cannon, but I’m good from here.” We make it to the bedroom door.
“No problem. I’ll wake you up if Shovel calls again. Get some sleep.” I wave over my shoulder with my good hand, shutting the door, then shimmying out of my clothes to collapse into bed. I’m hoping that a certain man gets home and finds me more than ready and willing.
We never checked into a motel or bedded down for the night, that’s because after we all got off the phone, Ruger’s phone chimed with a location on Kyle Landers. Can’t say that I could see my woman going after a guy like him, but I figure she was in a vulnerable place. He’s definitely a slimy sleazeball, and that’s coming from a man who owns more than his fair share of strip clubs in Texas. Though it has to be said, seeing him paying for a blowjob in an alleyway behind a seedy motel tells me more than I can say.
Damn glad Persephone got checked and got the all-clear after she got the weird vibes from him. Not that he was treating her right, anyway. The man couldn’t get her off, often leaving her to finish the job. Damn fuckin’ shame. Especially the way I know she can come, several times. This was one of those uncomfortable-as-fuck conversations, but Persephone needed to get it off her chest. It happened in the middle of the night, and she wasn’t going back to sleep until she laid it all out. I held her the entire time, but when the story was told, a calmness settled in her body. Of course, I let her know that was the last time we brought another man into our bed, even if it was just to talk about her past. This had Persephone in a snit of giggles, and the only way I could shut her up was with my mouth.
It’s an easy snatch and grab when his pants are down around his ankles. Razor holds a knife to his throat, while Ruger has the girl up and gone within seconds. That gives me ample time to see just who is coming after him. A few zip ties, some duct tape, and then he’s thrown in the back of the van.
We take him to the building we keep on our property for such purposes. Prospects are gone for now, knowing they’ll have to clean shit up later, but they’re off the hook until I’m done with Kyle.
“You fuck with something that didn’t belong to you?” I ask him. He’s hanging on a meat hook, stripped down to nothing but his fuckin’ underwear, beaten black and blue. My fists are clenching to pummel him over and over again. Too bad he’s still not sayin’ a fuckin’ word. The only reason I haven’t buried him with only his head stuck out of the ground waiting for the vultures to peck out his eyes is because I need to know what the fuck his end game is.
“I tell you, I’m dead. I don’t tell you, I’m dead too,” he mutters. This is after I ripped the duct tape off his mouth.
“If that’s the way you wanna play it, you’ll be there while we do some more diggin’, and fuck if I’m not excited to use my shovel.”
“You see this shit? He fuckin’ pissed himself.” This comes from Bullet. There’s a reason he got his name, and he sure as fuck earned it.
“Damn, Persephone is stronger than this piece of shit,” Razor states.
“Get Cannon and a prospect on him now. If he ain’t talkin’ then, I think I’ll use my shovel.” I’ve got a woman in my bed, and I’ve made a promise to her. “You’ll see where I get my name from soon enough, Landers.”
“Fuck, babe. You tryin’ to kill me or have me kill a brother? The damn door wasn’t even locked.” Cain slides in behind me.
“Oh, please, as if anyone would attempt to open the door.” I barely get that out before feeling his body wrap around mine, skin to skin. His front to my back while I’m on my good side. Today was a much better day pain wise, or that could be the lingering effects of tequila.