Page 8 of My 3 Rockstar Bosses
I was a virgin, but virgins aren’t blind.
I looked around the hallway again. It was still empty.
Pressing my cold hands to my hot face, I slumped against the wall. My clit tingled and pulsed, while a familiar dampness trickled down my pussy lips.
I was wet for each and every one of them.
Embarrassment scorched my cheeks. Then, a sense of alarm seized my heart. What if somebody came down the hallway? Libidinousness had only fazed me in the quiet privacy of my bedroom. Without those protective walls and that sense of isolation, being horny was a little nerve-racking.
After a quick look both ways to make sure nobody saw me, I squeezed my thighs together and just barely stopped myself from moaning out loud. I had to get it together. Professionalism was important. Six-figure jobs were far from ordinary, so screwing it up simply was not an option—especially over something as silly as my libido.
I had been a personal assistant for less than a day, and it was already proving to be quite a challenge. Over time, the job would get easier. The more that the guys were around me, the less they would faze me—or so I hoped.
Plus, my mom was proud. Applying for the job with Alpha Prime took courage, and it was her motherly duty to tell me so. That was how she put it, at least. Her cheeks pinked with excitement and mischievousness, Ethel looking youthful and coy. Nothing at all like the happy homemaker and mother that I’d known all my life.
“Life is an adventure, sweetie!” she shrieked, hugging me hard, the smell of baking bread clinging to her like perfume. “When I was your age, the world was my oyster. They were the good ol’ days. Affairs with men I hardly knew. Men in Africa, Asia, Europe. Sometimes women too! I know you probably think your old mom is too boring for that kind of thing, but it’s the truth!” Mom giggled, shivering with naughty pleasure, like she was remembering each and every one of those affairs in great detail.
“What?” I asked, incredulously.
Not my mom! No way!
Ethel Baxter, the pinnacle of motherhood, baked cookies and had a part-time online business. Dinner was waiting for my dad every night, almost as though she were still stuck in the 1950s. There was no way a woman like my mother had any kind of adventures—especially not of the sexual sort.
Still, she pulled me down to sit next to her on the sofa in the ordinary house she shared with Dad. The two of them had been married for almost twenty years, living a quiet, Christian life ever since they were wed in my father’s childhood church. I never expected that my mother had done anything exciting. As a matter of fact, having affairs with a number of men (and women) went against everything that she seemed to believe in.
But Ethel had a secret. The look on her face gave her away.
“Katy,” she started, “if I didn’t have that wild life during my younger years, I couldn’t be as happy as I am now. Living the clean, Christian life that I do is only possible because all of that is out of my system. Can you understand that?” Her brown eyes sparkled with hints of the past. “I sowed my wild oats, doing unspeakable acts with all kinds of people—men and women—in all kinds of places. Traveling and meeting people just like me—people that wanted to explore their sexuality—well, that was my calling back then. After it was all said and done, I found a nice safe man in a quiet place to start a life with. Church replaced touching. The Bible replaced sex. Your father and myself are only happy together because I’m not aching to try new things.” Mom smoothed my hair and tucked a lock of it behind my ear. “Life tastes better with a little adventure to sweeten it, my Katy. Sometimes, you have to go for it.”
“But…” I trailed off.
I was unsure of what to say. The Alpha Prime job was just a way to pass the time while working on my novel. It wasn’t supposed to be a long-term gig, let alone the beginning of some kind of crazy sex adventure.
“Honestly, it was a little worrying when you were always trying to be the ‘good girl’,” Mom said with a smile. “Everyone needs to live a little! Now, it’s time to meet new people, do new things, live the rock star life. I’m so excited for you, sweetheart! Go apply. Give it your best shot. You need this. They always say to travel when you’re young, and I completely agree.”
“You really think so?”
Grasping everything that she had just told me was proving to be difficult. Mothers aren’t supposed to tell their daughters such things—not even when it’s true. Half of me was intrigued. The other half wanted to forget her entire confession.
But Ethel was on a roll, nodding solemnly.
“I really do think so, sweetheart. Go find your destiny.”
“I guess it’s time to apply then. The page is already pulled up on my laptop,” I said with a small smile. “Thanks, Mom.”
A sexual rampage wasn’t exactly on my shortlist of possibilities, but living a more exciting life was. At least it wouldn’t hurt to apply for the position.
“Yes! Go! And good luck!” chirped my mom.
After our conversation, I researched everything possible about being a good personal assistant. At first, the job was just a placeholder. The pay would be incredible. There would be a lot of new people to meet. Yet, after talking to my mother, the job wasn’t just something to do while I worked on my writings. I craved it.
Having sex with the band wasn’t part of the plan. It wasn’t even in the realm of possibility frankly. After all, they were too attractive for someone like me, rock stars to my plump, dowdy self.
But maybe I’d meet some hot rock and roll fans during the tour. Tattooed dream boys would surround me each and every day, chanting Alpha Prime’s lyrics. That wouldn’t be so bad.
Actually, I would rather enjoy it.
But nerves got the best of me when meeting with Alpha Prime’s manager. I hadn’t had a job interview since the age of fifteen, and that was just to flip burgers. Plus, Burger Joint turned me down for reasons unknown. Go figure. How much skill does it take to flip patties?