Page 6 of My 3 Rockstar Bosses
Once the door was shut, we stared at one another, azure gazes hungry.
“Shit,” grunted Nick. “Did that really just happen? Right here, with these hos all around?”
Trent nodded, slowly. “Think so, man. And she’s our new assistant.”
“No shit,” I added. “She’s all ours. On payroll and everything.”
That made us laugh, but not because it was a joke. We have a secret that not many know about. It’s not hard drugs. It’s not alcoholism or gambling. It’s not a crime even.
Instead, our secret is women. We love thick, gorgeous ladies just like Katy.
Even more, we like to fuck them together, three-on-one style. Why not? Guys that fuck together stick together. Alpha Prime has been touring for years now, and foursomes work for us.
Teaming up on chicks.
It works well once you get into a roll. Trust me.
At first, the ladies can be a little nervous. When they realize what’s going to happen, there are some gasping squeals and half-hearted shrieks of fear. Three massive fuck rods and one pussy? It’s thirty inches in the sweetest spot. They’re sore afterwards, but I don’t think a single one of them ever regretted it.
Once they warm up, they can’t get enough of it. The screams of fear become screams of ecstasy.
Ten inches. Twenty inches. Thirty. And presto! We’ve got a slut on our hands.
My dick stiffened as I basked in the memories.
There’s nothing like sharing a beautiful girl, one with all of her holes plugged simultaneously.
Mmm, Katy. Kitty-Kat. Come here, kitten. Daddy has a story for you.
For the first time all night, energy coursed through my veins. Not the fake energy from the bright lights and the screaming fans. Not the thumping pulse of our music, or even the eerie wail of the guitar. Rather, it was the vibe of something new.
She was beautiful, fresh and ripe.
Katy had piqued our interest in a matter of minutes. Someone who was clean and natural, not at all like the tramps we dealt with every day.
Like I said, Daddy’s got a tale to tell. Make that three daddies. You’ll fly far with us, Katy. I promise you that.
I can’t believe that I just met Alpha Prime.
My knees wobbled so badly walking out of the guys’ dressing room. Standing was almost impossible. Stumbling past the crowd of chattering, half-naked girls that were still desperate to talk to the band, it was easy to see that they were sluts—all of them. They all looked at me like I was nothing then went back to texting or talking to each other. They were probably right to look at me that way.
Honestly, after meeting Alpha Prime, I didn’t feel like much of anything. They were surrounded by beautiful women all the time. Stick-thin in high heels with their head full of flowing, blonde extensions. Looking nothing like the gorgeous women surrounding me, I had to be a bit of a letdown for the band.
Because all three of the guys were like sex on a stick. They showed off their hard bodies in tight jeans, boots, and nothing else. I'd only ever seen chiseled chests and abs like that on TV, on the cover of romance novels, or in porn. They were like something out of my naughtiest wet dreams.
But these men were real—and I was lucky enough to be working for them!