Page 54 of My 3 Rockstar Bosses
Because my life was exciting for the first time. Sleeping with three hot rock stars was pure bliss. I loved being with Trent, Nick and Mason. I loved having them inside me, savoring passionate kisses as male seed overflowed my body.
And after a lifetime of being repressed and ignored, I couldn’t get enough of the limelight. Alpha males don’t go after girls like me, but these three couldn’t get enough. And they cared about me too, often calling to make sure I was okay when they weren’t around.
Why would they do that?
Was it an act?
Couldn’t be. The men didn’t owe me anything.
And yet, it felt amazing. It was more than I had ever had before. Darren was selfish and spoiled, a teen boy by comparison.
Plus, being with the alphas has helped grow my confidence. I was already wearing nicer clothes instead of loose, baggy attire. Being bigger made me think I had to hide my figure in XXL t-shirts and men’s sweats non-stop.
But the guys got me thinking otherwise. They liked me sexy, in spandex and dresses that hugged my curves. With their support, I was dressing classier, more expensive, unafraid to show off my full figure.
Confidence looks good.
Because the men made me feel desirable and cherished all the time. Not just when we were in bed, but even when were gathered in the dressing room, laughing together, or playing scrabble on the private plane.
Nick, Mason and Trent cared about me. I could feel it emanating from those big forms, those blue eyes that followed my every move.
And even though I knew it was dangerous … all I wanted was more.
“Alpha Prime!”
“Alpha Prime!”
“Trent! Trent! Trent!”
The San Francisco crowd was hot tonight. They screamed, tossing l
ingerie and showing off fake-looking tits. Some of them even had butt implants. I wasn’t interested, though.
Katy was for me. Real. Luscious. Curvy and soft.
Her thick sweetness was the perfect fit for me. I couldn’t stop thinking about that beautiful female form.
At the front of the stage, Trent acted out the rock god shtick. He flexed his muscles and made sexy eyes at the chicks who’d eat him alive if they got half the chance. The guy was on top of the world.
“This song,” he shouted into the mic, gripping it with both hands, his white teeth flashing. Mason and I caught his eye. “This next song is for a special girl. Kitty-Kat, you put the purr in perfect.” The asshole grinned at his bad joke.
Half of the crowd was angry, hissing and booing at us. If the name was theirs, they would have been fine with it. The other half cooed “awwwww!” in unison.
Behind me, Mason roared with laughter, banging on his cymbals.
“Hell, yeah!” Trent encouraged him. “Gimme a drum fill, Mace!”
I closed my eyes as Mason fulfilled his request. The toms were far too loud. My head had been pounding since the opening band took stage.
After the fill, Mason hit the cymbal and exclaimed, “One, two, three, four!”