Page 237 of My 3 Rockstar Bosses
“Oh really? What about?”
Matt, to his credit, looks embarrassed.
“A bunch of stuff,” he grunts. “I haven’t had a ton of time to work on it lately, these fools have been taking up a shitload of my energy.”
The twins don’t look guilty at all.
“Yeah, but you get a salary,” Tim retorts. “A real nice one I might add.”
This is where I butt in. Because actually, our family’s loaded. The company that the twins started has taken off like a fucking rocket, and the cash comes in waves now. In fact, they’re even trying to recruit me to be the company doctor. But I make a shit ton of money at my practice, so it’s gonna take at least double that to make me switch.
But we live a normal life despite being rich as Midas, and there’s no sense in giving it away. People would be envious, wanting what we have when they can’t get it.
So instead, I change the subject.
“Tell me more about the cookbook,” I say smoothly, shooting a warning glance at my brothers.
Macy colors happily, although she looks at Matt with empathy.
“It’s nothing big,” she says shyly. “I’ve always loved to prepare food, and it’s something that I want to do more of. Thus, the taste-testing,” she adds simply.
I drawl again.
“Honey, I’m sure it’s gonna be amazing. And we’re more than happy to be your guinea pigs. But do your parents know about this cookbook thing?”
She colors.
“They know, Jim and Marsha absolutely know,” she says slowly, puttering away at a simmering stew. “They don’t want me to do it, they want me to be an accountant or something,” she says, nose scrunching. “But I can’t see it. Me and numbers? It’s like saying it’s going to rain in the Sahara,” she says with a deprecating smile.
I nod in appreciation. Hey, understanding your weaknesses is just as important as understanding your strengths. My respect for her grows because at eighteen, she’s already light years ahead. When I was that age, all I thought about was girls, boobs, and butts, in that order.
But clearly, Macy doesn’t want to talk about it because she turns away abruptly, pulling plates out of the cabinets and cutlery from the drawers, handing the whole stack to me before smiling sunnily, the clouds in her eyes gone.
“Dinner’s ready. Join us, Trent?”
I don’t have to be told twice. All four of us males sit down, stomachs rumbling, dicks throbbing for this girl. But there’s no sense in scaring her, so we feed our guts first, diving into the savory stew.
“Holy shit,” grunts Tim. “This is fantastic.”
“Yeah,” Will burps happily. “Yeah. Fuck yeah.”
Not exactly helpful comments, so Matt busts in with something literary.
“It’s savory and sweet, but there’s heat that gets left at the back of your throat,” he says, gulping in huge swallows.
And I’ve gotta uphold our honor too, so I try to say something complimentary.
“The smell actually drove me crazy all the way from next door,” I growl. “That’s why I showed up like a stray dog outside your gate.”
Macy smiles and I feel it in my toes. And other places, too. Let’s be honest.
“Mouthwatering,” I add again, my eyes lingering on her lips.
Macy takes notes as we enjoy her food, scribbling in her notebook when our comments are helpful, blushing and pushing her hair behind her ears each time our comments are ridiculous.
About halfway through the meal, she loosens up a little, giggling at our constant innuendo, sometimes almost dishing it back. Shit, she’s sassy and sweet, yet innocent all at once. I watch hungrily, devouring every move, every luscious curve.
And too soon, the meal’s over. The brunette shuts her notebook, sighing happily.