Page 217 of My 3 Rockstar Bosses
“What can I do for you, gentlemen?”
The billionaires were silent, gazes searing my form. Oh god, suddenly it was sweltering in this dorm room, so small and stuffy. I longed to open a window, but there was no way to do that without giving away my shape. Or maybe it was just pregnancy hormones and its attendant hot flashes.
So I forced another smile.
“Well, if there’s nothing, I’ll get back to work,” I trilled merrily, nodding towards the door. “It was good seeing you again.”
But the alphas didn’t budge an inch.
“Sweetheart,” began Nick. “We didn’t hire anyone else.”
I must have gasped because their eyes focused, becoming laser-like.
But who had been that girl in the elevator then?
There’s only one penthouse on that floor. She’d definitely been at the apartment.
Tom corroborated Nick’s statement then.
“Sweetheart, you’re our one and only. Sure, we had a string of girls before you but there’s been no one since. No one as sweet and innocent. No one as amazing,” he growled with finality, staring at my curves. “We can’t get you out of our minds.”
I didn’t know what to say. Literally, words wouldn’t form.
“Bu-but,” I stammered. “But.”
“But nothing,” swept in Damien, those blue eyes intense. “But nothing. You’re our one and only and we want you back. We want you to wo
rk for us again, but you don’t have to if you don’t want. We want you to live with us. To laugh with us. To spend your days with us. Does that make sense?”
No, it didn’t at all. This was a one eighty turnabout from my expectations.
“I’m sorry,” were my slow words. “But I don’t understand. When I came back that day, there was a girl ….”
The billionaires looked stumped.
“Who?” asked Andrew.
“What did she look like?” asked Aaron, genuinely perplexed. “There have been no females since you’ve been gone. Not in New York, Atlanta, Chicago, or anywhere else for that matter. Nowhere.”
But I shook my head slowly. I hadn’t been hallucinating. She was real. Opening my mouth, I began slowly.
“When I came back the morning after the fight, I took the elevator up to your penthouse. And when I got to your floor, a woman was coming out. She got into the elevator with me. Tall, blonde, and real curvy.”
The alphas were genuinely perplexed.
“Are you sure?” rumbled Andrew, brow creased. “I sure as hell don’t remember anyone.”
If they were gaslighting me, then it wasn’t gonna work.
“I know what I saw,” was my firm tone. “The woman was blonde, dressed in a pink sweats with rhinestones on the back.”
Realization dawned in their eyes.
“Oh yeah, the rhinestones,” groaned Tom, rolling his eyes. “Those were tacky as shit.”
“Didn’t the rhinestones say something like “Lovergirl” or “Hello Booty”?” asked Andrew. “Superlame, that’s what fourteen year-old girls wear.”