Page 213 of My 3 Rockstar Bosses
And now it’s been three months without laying eyes on the luscious female form. It’s been three months since we spoke to her.
We know where she is. It was easy to find out. One call to our private investigator and her location was evident immediately.
She was at the Hudson dorms with a friend from middle school named Karen.
Why the fuck would she live in dorms, when she could live in Nick’s penthouse?
What the fuck was she doing at the Hudson University dorms anyways? Taking classes? Meeting boys her age? What the hell?
The six of us have been like caged animals since, tense and angry. Sure, we’ve left New York intermittently. I’ve gone back to Chicago a couple times to tend to business, Damien’s dropped in on Dallas, and Tom on Tucson. But we always come back. Because we’re waiting for Joanie to make an appearance.
Those sweet brown curls, surrounding her flushed face.
Those big boobies bouncing, hips swaying back and forth.
And oh shit that cunt. That steamy, sweet slit with a brownie in back that makes us drip with need.
Because Joanie’s truly our one and only. She’s gorgeous, smart, and innocent as an angel. And yet she’s not an angel either. Because the female went wild when it came to taking us all. Her pussy was hungry, swallowing cock after cock, juicing with need.
So what the fuck were we doing? Instead of being men of action, instead we sat around, staring at each other like dumb motherfuckers. In fact, right now we were crowded in Nick’s living room again, trying to figure things out for the millionth time.
“You shouldn’t have made her apologize,” barked Tom at Andrew. “What the fuck were you thinking?”
The alpha got an offended look on his face.
“I didn’t make her apologize, she did it on her own!” he snarled right back.
But Tom was relentless, turning on Nick next.
“What were you thinking, trashing her butt at a place like Heartland Brewery? In public? Were you out of your fucking mind? No wonder she’s not coming back,” he spat to our host.
And Nick actually leaped out of his chair, fists raised, face red and angry.
“Shut up asshole,” he threw right back. “Shut up, she wanted it. That little ho is a butt slut, we’ve done anal with her multiple times before. Don’t put this on me.”
They were about to rumble when I held up both hands.
“We need to stop this,” I growled authoritatively. “This has gone fucking insane. We’re CEOs, men who have everything at our fingertips, and we’re getting riled up about a sweet female? What the hell?”
And the truth was in the air.
“She’s the best thing that ever happened to us,” grunted Damien morosely. “And you fuckers fucked it up.”
World War Three almost started again, a couple guys leaping up, fists clenched. But fortunately, I interceded just in time.
“She wants to be a chemist. I can make that happen. I run a cosmetics company, we have tons of laboratory scientists on our team.”
Tom rolled his eyes.
“Of course you can, Charlie. So why didn’t you do it before?”
That was a good question, my words slow and contemplative.
“I wanted her to come back without me offering a bribe. Because it is a bribe of sorts. I didn’t want to offer more money, a job, the promise of connections, or any of that type of shit. Other girls, no problem, I’m on it. But when it came to Joanie, I wanted her to come back on her own.”
And that was the crux of our issue. The brunette was noble. She was virtuous with a real sense of right and wrong. And something like the promise of a job wasn’t a guarantee her return at all. In fact, it might back-fire.
But what did we have to lose? We were six dumbasses sitting around mooning for our lost girl. Even worse, we’d been doing this for three months now, neglecting our other duties, hearts lost.