Page 11 of My 3 Rockstar Bosses
It all felt so surreal.
I was living a fairytale. And yet, if things didn’t move fast, the opportunity would disappear—or that’s what it seemed like, anyway.
Most applicants would have to be a personal assistant for years before getting hired by three rock stars. And yet, I'd lucked out on my first interview. A lot of people in the field would say that’s impossible.
Inwardly squealing, I folded my favorite polo shirts and khaki pants—eight of each. From what I read about touring, sometimes it was hard to get to a Laundromat. Preparation was key.
Plus, I couldn’t stop thinking about the money. Not that I’m obsessed with cash. But I’d be making six figures! Most new assistants only make half of that, at best. It was real hard to believe.
Trying to calm down, I took myself off to bed. But there was too much adrenaline running through my frame. I was about to meet the men that been on my mind for days. Their photographs were enough to drive any girl to madness. They were angels. Sensual, hard-bodied angels.
Or demons, let’s face it.
Nick, Trent, and Mason.
I thought that Trent was the best looking one. Perhaps, it was due to the photogenic angles photographers chose for him. Maybe it was his strong fan-base. Either way, I had been such a naïve girl. All of Alpha Prime’s members were equally sexy, and anyone that met them knew it.
My core quivered, and I wet my lips. Even walking in to give them water had been a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Because I was already a ball of nerves from the interview and application process. But meeting them—that was the main event.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go so well.
I made a fool of myself, per usual. The men were welcoming, but it didn’t make them any less intimidating. I couldn’t speak, couldn’t move. Even thinking was hard. Their effect on me was mesmerizing. How was I going to be their personal assistant acting like a pile of goo? It didn’t seem possible.
Perhaps it was unethical, but they were the first men that I truly wanted. All three of them, at once.
Stop it, Katy! Be professional! Helena could have your job in a millisecond.
Lusting after them was not an option.
I was their assistant. A girl they barely even noticed.
They’re your bosses. Stop thinking of them as more than that.
But at the same time, I was embarrassed for those poor, naked girls. Throwing themselves at the guys like that and then getting thrown out butt-naked. It must have been a nightmare!
If they didn’t like girls like that, then there was no way that they would go for a girl like me.
So reality was hard. But my mind wouldn’t stop fantasizing. Because what would I do if I could have any one of the three? What would I do if I could have all of them?
Stop dreaming. You should be working, I scolded myself inwardly. Helena is the queen of hard-asses. She can take this job away in a snap.
I flushed and braced myself against the wall while people streamed past me, going about their business. They were probably getting the amphitheater ready for the next giant event. It was a big place, and there were shows every night. Maybe even two shows per night, who knew. I hoped that the passerby couldn’t tell what I was feeling or thinking.
But still, my mind did somersaults.
Mason had stared at me intently with his gorgeous blue eyes. Trent’s hard chest rippled with muscles. And the bulge in Nick’s jeans had seemed huge—as if it were swollen and engorged, wrapping all the way around his waist.
But that wasn’t possible. He’d probably stuffed it with a sock for the show.
That has to be it. No dick is that big.
Butterflies fluttered in my stomach as lust flooded my panties. Because this is what it was like to have a crush. Yet, I had never had a crush that made me so horny. Looking at their pictures wasn’t enough. Meeting them in person had shown me why I had a libido in the first place.
There has to be a bathroom nearby. A few pets and this can be over. I just need to get this out of my
My body jolted. The bathroom seemed far away, even if it wasn’t. Nature was taking its course, and I wasn’t even in a private place.