Page 3 of Raw and Curvy (Forbidden Fantasies 30)
I shake my head. “No. Jemima. Please don’t say anything to him.”
She shakes her head.
“Why not? Mims, you’re my best friend, and I just happen to be married to a man who runs the company we work for. I can take care of this for you. Trust me, Jewel will be the one without a job when Bruce hears what she said to you.”
I sigh.
“I appreciate it, but please don’t get Bruce involved because it’ll only make me look worse. Getting fired for gaining weight, and then running to my friend to have her pulls strings with her hubby isn’t something that will shine any kind of a good look on me. I don’t know that I could face all those girls again, anyways. Not after Jewel talking to me like that.”
Jemima frowns.
“Okay, I get it, sweetie. But if you change your mind, just say the word and that woman will be out on her ass.”
I smile a little. “You’re a good friend, Jemima.”
“And don’t you forget it,” she quips with a smile.
“I promise, I won’t.” We’re both quiet for a moment, but then the lump in my throat starts to thicken again. “OMG Jem, what am I going to do about rent? I already live paycheck to paycheck, and my rent in due in a couple weeks. I have no idea how I’m going to come up with the money to pay it.”
I suck in a sharp breath, trying to hold back the sobs threatening to wrack my body again. If I break down like I did before and Jemima hears it, there will be no way for me to stop her from getting Bruce involved.
“Oh, honey,” my buddy’s voice is soft. “We’ll figure that out together, okay? You know I have plenty now, and I’m willing to help, so don’t worry about money right now. Everything is raw and hurting at the moment, and you need to give yourself some time tonight to just take care of yourself.”
“What do you mean?” I sniffle.
Jem throws me a sympathetic look.
“I mean take care of you for a change. Draw yourself a bubble bath. Watch your favorite movie in your favorite pajamas, or read the latest romance novel you’ve been dying to get your hands on. Something that makes you feel good and lifts your spirits!”
I sniffle again.
“I did just get some new bath bombs and a new natural blueberry wine I haven’t tried yet.”
“There you go. A bubble bath and bottle of wine sounds like exactly the right way to take care of yourself tonight. Have an extra glass of wine for me while you’re at it, won’t you?”
I smile because I really am lucky to have such a wonderful friend. “You’re right. I might even make it a candle lit bubble bath, with Scandalous Affairs by J.M. McCroy. It’s going to be awesome because you know how much I love historical romance. Thanks, Jem.”
My friend giggles.
“Anytime. And by the way, I just read Scandalous Affairs, and the hero is quite the rake! I swear, he has his clothes off more often than on.”
That makes me smile.
“Then I’ll definitely have to get to it.”
My friend giggles again while bouncing her baby.
“Now that’s the Mimi we know and love. Go to it, girl. We’ll talk later, okay?”
I nod, and we say our goodbyes before hanging up. But once the phone clicks off, the depression returns and my shoulders slump once more. Maybe I need more than a fictional rake to push me out of this hole. Maybe I need a real one. The question is, where would I find such a sexy hero?
My bubble bath was nice, but now I’m so pruney that I can barely feel my fingertips. Even more importantly, I’m out of wine, so I make myself get out of the tub, dry off, and wrap myself in my most comfortable silk robe.
It’s still early, and I’m used to working late nights, so I know that sleep won’t be coming anytime soon. Strolling out from the steam, I take in my apartment. Other than the bathroom, everything else is squeezed into one small room. I think they call it “multi-functional,” but really, it’s just cramped with the kitchen, dining room, bedroom, and living room in one big square.
I’ve done my best decorating, but what can you do in such small confines? My kitchen table doubles as an entry table when you walk in. My bed folds up towards the wall, with cabinets on either side lined with books, plants, and a few cute knickknacks. My couch is a bold red that makes it pop, and I also added a coffee table that has a top that folds open, raising up so it can be used as a desk or a table, depending on the situation. Take that for ingenuity.