Page 21 of Raw and Curvy (Forbidden Fantasies 30)
I press my hand to the gentle curve with shock. The image of a baby with Mason’s brilliant blue eyes, and a head full of my curls pops into my mind and I smile suddenly, understanding my heart.
“It sounds crazy, Les, but I think I want to keep the child. This definitely wasn’t planned, but right now it feels so right to have Mason’s baby in my womb. In fact, I’ve never wanted anything more.”
My buddy nods smartly.
“Then that’s all that matters,” she says. “That child is already so lucky because he or she will have you as a mom, and you’re going to be a great mommy.”
I smile with tears in my eyes.
“Thanks, Les, because I’m certainly going to give it my all. The thing is that I don’t know if the baby’s father will feel the same. This is an accidental pregnancy after all.”
My buddy nods, her brown curls bouncing.
“You just have to tell him, sweetie. And if Mason Carlisle is everything you’ve told me, then he’s going to be overjoyed too. So go for it, Mims. Embrace your future because you deserve it.”
With that we hang up, and I clutch my stomach, marveling at the life within. Who knew life could have so many twists and turns? Yet I feel unbelievably lucky to be pregnant with Mason’s child, and I only hope the billionaire feels the same.
Modeling isn’t something I considered when I was trying to figure out a new career path, but when Mason mentioned he had a new ad campaign in the works for his energy drink, G-Raw, I jumped at the opportunity. Fortunately, my boyfriend thought I’d be perfect for the campaign as a model, and as a result, here I am, getting ready for a photo shoot.
It’s crazy because it’s been a week since I discovered my pregnancy, and I still haven’t worked up the nerve to tell Mason. Yet I’m about to do a photo shoot in a bikini with my gently pooching tummy out for all to see. Fortunately, Mason loves it.
“I’m going to love having you as our new G-Raw model,” Mason growls as we walk to meet the photographer at the studio for the shoot.
“Why is that?” I smile.
He smirks. “Because it means I get to spend time with you during the day and I can still say I’m working.”
I laugh, and he pulls me into his side, with his arm around my hip while kissing my temple. Looking up, I smile shyly again.
“Well then, I’m happy I get to be your co-worker. I’d hate for you to get in trouble with the boss for doing anything on company time that isn’t truly work related.”
He grins.
“Luckily, my boss understands I’m a very fortunate man, and sometimes I just need to take some time to make my girl scream my name.”
My whole body flushes and I shiver beneath his arm. “You are insatiable, mister.”
He kisses me again. “Only for you, baby.”
A man and woman greet us as soon as we enter the studio, and Mason introduces them. “Mimi, this is our photographer, Carlton, and the creative director of this shoot, Cassandra.”
Carlton is well dressed with blonde hair and kind green eyes, not to mention a camera draped around his neck. He smiles at me, and I immediately feel at ease. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Richardson,” he says, shaking my hand.
“You too, and please call me Mimi.”
“Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you,” Cassandra interrupts. She’s exactly what I’d expect from a creative director. Her hair is a dark brown, styled in a severe topknot, and she’s almost as tall as Mason. Her makeup is quite dramatic with dark eyeshadow and crimson lips, but maybe she’s going for a certain look. It isn’t that it looks bad, but I suspect if I saw Cassandra without a full face of cosmetics, I’d be stunned at the difference.
“It’s good to meet you,” I say warmly.
“Make sure you two take good care of her,” Mason tells Carlton and Cassandra. “I’ve got some business to attend to, so Miss Richardson will be here all alone.”
“We will,” Carlton says. “Got it, boss.”
Cassandra nods curtly. “Of course, Mr. Carlisle. Your girlfriend is in good hands.”
Mason turns to me and pulls me close. “You sure you don’t want me to stay?”
I smile. “No, you have work to do. Besides, I’m going to be busy too, so I wouldn’t be able to give you the attention you deserve.”
He chuckles and then gives me a chaste kiss. “Well, if you need anything just call.”
“I will, but I’m sure everything will be fine.”
With one last wave, Mason departs and the photographer motions for me to follow him.
“I’ll take you to the changing area and show you what you’ll be wearing for the shoot.”
“Sure, can’t wait,” I enthuse.
Carlton leads me to a room in the back of the studio. There’s a bright red bikini hanging on a rack in the corner of the room that isn’t much more than strings with three tiny triangles, and I gasp. Really?