Page 17 of Raw and Curvy (Forbidden Fantasies 30)
I giggle. “Yes, I can tell you’ve got money with the huge penthouse and all, but you know that money isn’t everything. I think we’re both just enjoying our time together and where you get your wealth is something I figured you would share with me when you were ready. I mean, if you want to share it with me at all, that is.”
Mason is staring at me like he’s bewildered, but he’s still smiling so I’m not too worried I’ve said the wrong thing. “You are truly one of a kind, Mimi.”
I smile back.
“I’m just myself. Don’t know how to be anyone else, so I stick with being me.”
“Good, because you should never change, sweetheart. You’re perfect the way you are.”
My heart flutters.
“Really? How so?”
Mason chuckles.
“Well, most women can’t wait to find out how I got so rich. Then, they can’t wait to ask me for this or that gift, which has included expensive jewelry and luxury cars in the past,” he adds dryly.
I gasp, my eyes going wide.
“Are you serious?”
He nods thoughtfully.
“Yeah, women in this city are rapacious. They’re on a mission and once there’s a wealthy man in their sights, they won’t stop to get what they want. But you’re not like that at all, Mimi.”
I shake my head.
“No, I can’t even imagine asking for a luxury car. That’s insane!”
He merely quirks one side of his mouth up in a grin.
“Well, there’s a sliding scale when it comes to insanity, but I’m glad to say you’re not on it at all, sweetheart. That’s a relief to me.”
I let out another giggle.
“Really? Even though we started talking because I squirted you in the face with Cocoslick? That sounds pretty insane to me.”
He lets out a loud laugh which actually gets other diners turning our way.
“No, it’s fine, baby girl. A guy like me has seen everything, so to meet a woman through Cocoslick is definitely new and refreshing.”
I cock my head at him.
“But what are you looking for? Other than the Cocoslick, that is,” I add cheekily.
He lets out another laugh.
“The real thing, I suppose. No superficiality, no fakeness. I guess it’s because I worked hard for what I have. I didn’t grow up with money, so I had to take my lumps while climbing the ladder, and I can’t tolerate anyone who pretends to be one thing, while actually being another. I came up the hard way, with a business idea and empty pockets. Then, I begged, borrowed and stole in order to turn my idea into a reality, so my threshold for fakery is very low.”
I nod before murmuring throatily. “I get it, and you’ve clearly created a business that’s very successful.”
“Yes. I own G-Raw Energy Drinks. Have you heard of it?”
I gasp and Mason’s eyebrows shoot up.
“Sorry, it’s just that G-Raw is amazing! It’s huge, and to be honest, it’s the only energy drink that I like. The powerberry flavor is to die for, and I keep them on hand to chug after performances. Got to have something to put some pep back in my step after I’m done on stage.” But then, reality sinks in and my smile falters. “I mean, I used to have them when I was still performing.”
At that moment, a waiter shows up with our food, saving me. We dig into the risotto and I moan with bliss.
My date holds up a forkful, grinning. “It’s good, right?”
“OMG, this is the best thing I’ve ever eaten.”
He chuckles. “I’m glad you like it, sweetheart. Enjoy.”
We dine in silence for a few minutes. This food is so good and probably very expensive too, so I try to chew slowly to savor the flavors, but it’s hopeless. I’m loving it so much that I’m practically finished within minutes.
Mason cleans his plate as well and pours both of us a little more wine. “So, tell me what kind of performing you do? I had no idea you were into the movement arts as well as painting. For some reason, I thought you were a painter only.”
I stare down at my plate for a minute and just push around the last few bites of my food. As good as it is, my stomach is suddenly feeling a bit disturbed, and eating while Jewel’s voice sounds in my mind is impossible.
“I used to perform, I suppose. I guess I was a showgirl for so long that I haven’t gotten used to referring to it in the past tense yet.”
Mason leans in closer, giving me his full attention. “It seems like you miss it. Why did you stop?”
I look down at my half-eaten meal because I can’t look at him and talk about my embarrassing departure from the Wilshire. But then, what’s the point of hiding? He’ll only find out sooner or later, so I take a deep breath.