Page 21 of Cold Hearted Bachelor
Vaughn speaks with the officer as I take my first look around inside. It’s just like how Vaughn and I left it yesterday. Nothing’s missing.
I run my hands over the kitchen cabinets, loving the handiwork of Vaughn and everything he’s done for me. I have to say one thing. I’m so glad he’s here. It’s almost like it’s so surreal to me. Like I’m afraid to tell my parents because I know they’ll make me sell the house right away. They’ll also never let me back out of their house ever again.
Adult or not. My mother is a worrier. Big time.
“There’s a real possibility that you have a stalker,” the officer says. Officer Davison, his name reads on his uniform. His eyes are warm, and it really appears like the older man with the receding hairline may actually care about my safety.
“Has this happened to any other neighbors in the past?” Vaughn asks the officer.
He shakes his head. “No, never. This looks like a targeted act of violence. Someone you may have upset recently? An ex lover.”
I laugh. “No, none of those.”
“You don’t think some neighborhood kids are vandalizing things this close to Halloween?” Vaughn asks.
Officer Davison shakes his head, giving a nod to his partner before walking back to his car. “I don’t think so. There’s never really been many cases of that. Of course, we won’t rule it out and we’ll ask around.”
“Thank you, Officer Davison.” I just want this day to end already.
I can’t think of anyone who would do this to me. I’m a proud people pleaser, and I work very hard to earn the appreciation of others. It hurts me to think someone can hate me so much to do this.
Once Vaughn and I leave the police station, it’s pretty late in the evening. The sun has long since dipped below the mountains, and all I want is a shower and a good cry.
I don’t want to tell my parents about any of this until we have something more to go on. But how can I keep something like this from them?
“You hungry?” Vaughn asks as he opens the passenger side door for me to slide into.
“No,” I shake my head, “not really.” I hop onto the seat and turn to face him. “Vaughn, can we not tell my parents? I just know they’ll worry about me and not want me to leave their house.”
He rubs a thumb over his full bottom lip. “Well, that was my next thought, Paisley.” Ok, I love it when he uses my full name. “But I was thinking that maybe you shouldn’t stay at your parents’ place tonight.”
He shovels a hand through his hair. “Well, if you have a stalker he could be waiting for you there.”
“Where would I stay? I can call Gwen?”
“No, I have somewhere even better.” He shuts my door and heads around the back of the truck to slide into the driver’s side.
“Just sit tight. We’ll be there soon.”
I lean my head against the window and close my eyes. I must have dozed off because the next thing I remember is Vaughn waking me and telling me we’re here.
I glance out the window and see a high skyrise building, reflecting the blue lights from the city. “Is this where you live?”
“Yeah, I figure no one will find you here.”
And he’s absolutely right. No one would ever suspect I’d come here. I follow Vaughn out of the truck and into the building quietly, wondering if the doorman thinks I’m one of the many conquests Vaughn usually brings home.
I let my mind wander in that direction for a minute. What it must be like to be one of his many women. How they probably feel being led into an elevator with him. If his hands are already all over her before the doors even shut.
God, I’d give anything to have his hands on me right now.
And as I glance over at Vaughn right now, he looks terrified. “Are you ok?” I ask him. “I can stay with Gwen.”
He tunnels his hand through his hair again, his blue eyes meeting mine with a hint of worry. “No, it’s not that. I’m just really upset.”
“I know.” I’m upset too. How could someone say those hurtful things about me? I hope the officer does look into it, and doesn’t just push it across his desk like many cops do on TV. “I’m sorry I’m cramping your style.” I try to lighten the mood.
Vaughn’s eyes deepen as they stare at me. “Cramping my style?”
“You know. I’m sure you had big plans tonight.” Ugh, I should just stop talking now.
Vaughn laughs, but there’s no humor behind it. “Yeah, right, really big plans.”
The elevator dings and he leads me down the hallway. I hold my breath as he opens his door for me, and I stare at the floor-to-ceiling wall of windows he has at the far end of the condo.