Page 12 of Cold Hearted Bachelor
Spencer takes a sip of his coffee. “Got anything strong enough to put in this?”
I laugh. “I’ve got a little whiskey.”
Spencer pushes his coffee mug in my direction. “Perfect.”
I get the whiskey down from the shelf and pour him a little. “That should do the trick.”
“I guess we’ll just have to put the lost accounts behind us, and keep moving forward,” Spencer answers my earlier question.
“Still sucks. I’d like to call them, change their minds.”
Spencer shrugs. “Manny already tried.”
Manny’s our foreman, and a really great guy. If he couldn’t convince them to stay with us, no one could.
“What did you think of my sister’s new place?” Spencer asks, changing the subject.
I set my mug down, no longer wanting the taste of coffee to fuel me on any further. Because the truth is, I loved her place. I could picture her future there. But, I don’t know if I’m the man for the job to give her what she wants. “It’s fine. Maybe Manny can help her renovate.”
Spencer takes a sip of his coffee. “Manny’s breaking ground over on the Moore project.”
That’s right. Damn, I forgot. “Ok.”
“Actually, your schedule just opened right up.”
Lucky me. I try to force a smile. “Cool.”
“Listen, I appreciate you helping her. I know it’s probably not what you want to be doing.” Spencer’s eyes meet mine and I can see the years of trust staring back at me. “I know you don’t have to help. So please let me know if you need anything.”
I stop being an ass. Of course, I want to help her. Spencer is my boy, and I’ll forever have his back, and Paisley is practically family. “Sure, it should be an easy renovation job. And honestly,” I smile a little, “I guess, I’m kind of excited to get started.”
“When are you getting started?”
“I’ll call her and tell her I’ll start out there tomorrow.”
“Electrical first?”
I nod. “Always, brother.”
Spending time alone with his sister...that’ll be easy.
I never question my abilities as a builder. From start to finish I know without a doubt that I’m making all the right decisions. There’s never a moment I pause and wonder if I’m doing the right thing. I’m confident, I am.
If only it were that easy with Paisley. Not only do I pause, but I stop, rewind, and try to fast forward. Every decision I make with regards to her, I question.
Working on her house has me feeling like two different men. The confident one and the one that wants to take more than I’ll ever deserve.
This will be one hell of a test.
* * *
“Whoa, you’re here early,” Chuck, my boss, says, over his black-rimmed glasses.
“I had a few things to look up today.” I smile at him and head to my little cubicle. The thing I love most about being a real estate agent is I don’t have to come into the office that much. In fact, I think it’s been a whole two weeks since I’ve been here last.
“Jackie stopped by here yesterday. She was looking for you so I gave her your number.” Chuck leans his arm over my cubicle wall, smiling his cheesy grin that has made him a household name in this city as the owner of one of the top real estate agencies.
“Thank you. I really appreciate that.” Jackie’s a gem. We met a few months back when I helped her find a new house to flip. The whole sale was a cinch, and I told her I’d help her find more. She started dabbling in real estate investing, and now she loves flipping houses.
“Sure thing. You see Colby?”
“Not lately.” Colby is another real estate agent that works in this office. I’d say we’re good friends. We hang out, and help each other as much as possible. At least, he’s the only one in this office I really connect with. Which is important. And fun fact, he loves peas too. “Why?”
“I think he was trying to steal Jackie from you.”
I know Chuck is joking, and that Colby and Jackie didn’t really get along when they first met. So, I’m not too worried and I laugh. “Sure he was.”
Chuck laughs like his joke was the funniest in all the land. “Pays to drop by more often.”
I beam up at him. “Sure thing. I’ll try to stop by more.”
He slaps his hands together in a clap. “No problem. Just as long as you keep bringing in the deals.”
“Sure thing.”
The front door opens and Colby walks into the office. Chuck smiles. “Speak of the devil.”
“You two talking about me?” Colby says with a huge smile.
“All good things.” Chuck laughs.
Colby raises an eyebrow. “Sure.” He laughs a little and Chuck shakes his hand before excusing himself back into his office.
Colby turns his attention to me. “He’s in a good mood.”
I shrug. “Why wouldn’t he be?” I know I don’t stop by too often, but every time I’ve seen Chuck he’s been happy.