Page 41 of Daddy's Rich Enemy
“Allie, come on,” Mara pleads. “I never said that! But it’s been what? Like, a week?”
“A phone call only takes sixty seconds,” I reply tartly. When Mara’s eyebrows go up, I sigh and blush. “I’m sorry,” I say quickly. “You’re right. Let’s just drop the subject, okay?”
Mara nods and pushes the pizza box towards me. “Last slice of pepperoni is yours,” she says.
I smile reluctantly. “Thanks,” I say. “You’re a really great friend. You know that, right?”
Mara smirks. “Duh.”
We both collapse into laughter, but the memory of Dane is still burning bright in my mind. I have a feeling that no matter what happens in my life now, I’ll never be able to forget him.
On Monday, I take the subway to Tate for the very first time. The train is jam-packed with commuters and other kids, all doused in their own personal scent. I know it makes me sound spoiled, but I have no idea how people can stomach having their personal space invaded every day. Before now, I’ve only taken the subway for the occasional trip.
But this is my life now and I have to make the most of it.
After my first class, Mara joins me in the student union for lunch. We order chicken quesadillas from my favorite snack bar and curl up on a giant couch with chips and salsa.
“How was your morning, roomie?” Mara asks teasingly.
“I’m so tired,” I moan, rubbing my eyes with both hands balled into fists. “I feel like I didn’t sleep at all.”
“Poor baby,” Mara says. “How much time do you...”
“What?” I ask as I narrow my eyes. “What were you going to say?”
Mara’s cheeks blush red and she shakes her head. “Nothing,” she says quickly. “I meant, how much time do you have until your next class?”
“You’re not even looking at me,” I reply. “What, is our food ready?”
“No,” Mara says quietly. “It’s Dane.”
Gasping, I whirl around. I leap up from the couch and gaze around with hawk eyes, searching the crowd of college kids for Dane’s sexy figure.
“I don’t see him,” I say in a panic. “Where is he?”
Mara points to the muted television mounted in the corner. “There,” she says softly. “He’s giving a press conference.”
I don’t think I’ve ever moved as fast in my life as I move right then. I dart across the room and eagerly jam my finger against the volume button on the side of the TV.
Dane’s booming voice fills my ears and my throat tightens with desire and pain as he speaks to the camera. His bl
ue eyes are dark and flashing and the cut of his black suit shows off his perfectly muscled body.
“Mr. Andersen, what can you tell us about the future?”
Dane looks directly into the camera and a shiver runs down my spine. I know it’s crazy, but it seems like he’s speaking to me intimately.
“I can’t say for sure, John, but I know they’ll include big changes at Lockdown. I hope to expand our international presence.”
Mara finally catches up with me and grabs my shoulder. “Allie, our food is ready. They just called your name.”
I don’t move. It’s impossible to tear my gaze away from Dane’s televised hotness.
“Allie, don’t worry about him,” Mara pleads. “Come on, let’s eat.”
I force myself to look away from Dane and face my best friend. “For once in my life, I’m honestly not hungry,” I say. “Mara, I have one chance left. I have to go to him. I have to tell him how I feel.”
I expect Mara to challenge me, but instead there’s a strange look in her eyes.