Page 28 of Daddy's Rich Enemy
“I wasn’t angry, Allie. I was afraid. Do you know why?”
I shake my head.
“That kid could’ve really hurt you,” Dane scoffs. “Boys like that don’t know how to treat a woman like you. You could’ve gotten hurt!”
That’s when it hits me – Dane must have followed me. There’s no way he could’ve just run into me at random like that.
Does that mean he actually likes me? Does he want a relationship with me?
Before I can ask, there’s a knock at the door.
“That was fast,” Dane says. He smirks as he crosses the room and opens the door. After he pays for our dinner, he carries the boxes into his living room. This is my first time seeing more of his condo than just the bedroom, and I can’t believe how nice it is. My bare feet sink into plush carpeting and the leather couches look inviting and squashy.
All thoughts of relationships magically vanish when Dane opens one of the pizza boxes and hands me a slice. After taking a big bite, I close my eyes and moan as I chew happily.
“I love watching you eat,” Dane remarks.
My eyes fly open and I blink at him. Feeling self-conscious, I put my slice back down in the box.
I flush. “I can’t believe that,” I say as I glance down at my belly. My stomach is round and huge under the silk dress, even with my Spanx, and my thighs resemble small tree trunks. Heck, even my knees look chubby.
Dane nods. “It’s true. I love seeing a girl with a healthy appetite. So many women starve themselves nowadays. I like that you eat, Allie. Besides, food is one of life’s great pleasures.”
I nod happily. “Yes. Especially New York pizza.”
We lapse into silence as we devour the meal. It doesn’t feel awkward, though. I feel warm and happy. By the time we’ve demolished the two huge pizzas, I’m sleepy and content. After a giant yawn, Dane carries me into the bedroom and unzips my dress.
As I lie my head down on the pillow, I can hardly keep my eyes open. Dane’s bed is so luxurious and comfortable – I could stay here for years.
“Dane?” I ask softly.
Dane shifts on the Egyptian cotton sheets. “Yes?” His voice is as velvet-soft as the darkness itself.
“Did you follow me tonight?”
There is a pause, then I hear Dane’s sharp inhalation of breath.
I lick my lips with a dry tongue. “Why?”
“Because you shouldn’t be in places like that, Allie.”
“So…why couldn’t you just call me? Why did you follow me?”
“I didn’t think you would listen. I had to watch over you myself.”
I shiver. Dane puts an arm around me and pulls me close. His muscular chest is smooth and solid under my cheek.
“Why do you like me?”
Dane snorts. “You’re different,” he says. “For one thing, you just asked me that.”
“I don’t get it,” I say, frowning and rolling over onto my belly. “You could…you could be with anyone, Dane. I don’t see what makes me special.”
My heart thuds as Dane presses his lips to mine in an urgent, passionate kiss. Is he about to confess feelings for me?