Page 19 of Daddy's Rich Enemy
What is he doing here?
“It’s him,” I whisper in a low voice. “Mara, it’s the guy! Dane!”
“Obviously,” Mara says sarcastically. “He’s really hot! Tell me why you can’t date him again?”
Dane’s lips curve into a smirk – it’s obvious that he heard Mara. “Yes,” he says. “Allie, do tell me.”
“I…” I trail off nervously. “What are you doing here?”
Dane snorts arrogantly. “I could be asking you the same thing,” he replies. “The journalism classes are all on the other side of campus.”
I flush hotly and Dane’s smirk grows a shade deeper. “You remembered.”
“Of course, I did. And I wanted to give you an opportunity that a good journalism student would kill for.”
My heart skips two
beats and I wipe my palms on my thighs.
“Well? Aren’t you curious?”
All I can do is nod.
“You’re going to interview me,” Dane says. “Ask me whatever you want.”
My jaw drops. Is he kidding?
Asking me, the girl who lapped my juices from his lips just one week earlier, to interview him?
Am I dreaming?
“I take it that’s a yes,” Dane says smoothly. “Come with me.”
Mara jabs me in the side. “Go,” she hisses. “Don’t be an idiot, Allie!”
Reluctantly, I nod. Every part of me is aching to be with Dane again, but I know that getting involved with him was dangerous. Still, I feel a strong sense of elation and arousal as Dane escorts me to his Town Car, double parked behind a sad-looking Corolla.
His driver, Hanson, is waiting by the back seat. He nods when he sees me.
“Hello, Miss Allie,” Hanson says. He opens the door for me and I nod to him in appreciation.
I bite my lip nervously as I climb into the backseat. When Dane tumbles in after me, I expect him to grab me and kiss me at once.
But he doesn’t. The tension between us builds as Hanson closes the door behind Dane and takes his place at the wheel.
When we start moving, I glance nervously at Dane. “Where are we going?” A thousand possibilities rush through my head – is he going to whisk me off to his castle and seduce me?
The worst part is, I want him to. I want him to pull me into his arms and kiss me and hold me until I’m panting with desire. Just being around Dane is enough to make my panties wet.
Dane clears his throat. “Tell me, Allie,” he says gravely.
My heart thuds in my chest and I tremble nervously. “Yes?”
Dane grins. It’s almost predatory, the way he looks at me as if I’m some delectable meal laid out in front of him.
“How do you feel about steak?”
All I can do is blink. “Steak?”